Estimate fare for 6 passengers?
The Guru Take
Select UberSUV, UberXL, Lyft Plus, etc. on RideGuru
For 6 passengers, you must request a car type that will fit your need, such as UberSUV, UberXL, or Lyft Price. You can get the estimated fare on RideGuru!
Caution: Make sure to consider for luggage space. If you have 6 passengers, only place you will have to stow luggage would be the trunk.
If you are ordering a taxi or a limo, you can specify the # of passengers upon the time of request.
Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
By luck, if you get a Suburban, you can fit 7. 1 on the passenger seat, 3 in second row, and 3 in third row.