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Hershey PA LYFT RIDERS, BEWARE of FAKE LYFT DRIVER. Do not get into a car unless make, model, and license plate matches whats on your phone.

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 7 months ago


Can't stress enough how important it is to make sure what you see in your app matches the car who says they are your driver. Drivers pic, make, model, and license plate is displayed in your app if it DONT MATCH DO NOT GET INTO THAT CAR! ALL SHOULD MATCH UP. One thing off dont take that chance dont get in that car. Better to be safe than sorry. You are also able to see the car pull up to you in the app. If you are unsure call your driver when he pulls up if their phone dont ring its not your driver. Text them a password if they cant give it to you its not your driver. Please be careful, especially female riders.



    {{ ratingSum }}
    145 Driver
     5 years ago

    Did something happen in Hershey? Someone kidnapped again?

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      The article is in the link above:) There were 2 incidents where a fake driver was trying to pick up women. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        145 Driver
         5 years ago

        Oops. Sorry. Thank you.

        And yes this is disturbing. Did this happen with taxis before Uber? I’m old enough but I can’t remember. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          141 Rider
           5 years ago

          That’s the thing about taxis. They’re clearly marked with the company name and often bright yellow!  You’d really have to be committed to kidnapping someone driving a marked taxicab. 

          This is why they’re trying to require Uber and Lyft drivers to have lit signs on their dash. The problem?  Anyone can buy them on eBay. 

            {{ ratingSum }}
            OP 8198 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            I cant understand why Uber and Lyft didnt trademark their names. Although they dont care about anything but having an app and providing rides by self driven cars and taking over the transportation industry. However self driven cars are not coming as soon as they hoped. They realize this now and pissed that they still have to pay drivers. They just want to be a tech company nothing more. Uber could've made light up signs. Lyft has the amp. Now they have anyone/everyone making, selling, and buying these signs making it dangerous for riders.