Do you have carseats available? - kim
Do you have carseats available?
The Guru Take
The Guru Take
While we are not a rideshare or taxi company so we do not have cars or cars with carseats available, we can help you find a company that does. We do know that Uber has a program in some cities where you can request a carseat in an UberX vehicle for a $10 surcharge. For more information click here.
Also, many traditional taxis have car seats available upon request. Call ahead to book a taxi with a car seat already hooked up.
Finally, please be aware that you are allowed to bring your own car seat as well. Some drivers may get frustrated by the process and time it takes to install one, so you may want to warn your driver immediately upon making a request.
More Information:
Taking Taxis with Infacts, Toddlers & Young Children
Rideshare Services for Children

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