If you do these ten things, you will die a contented person. They take no prior training. They take no talent or special twist. What it does take is honesty in application and a desire to excel at whatever your chosen path. When you go to your job make your priority to show:
1. Effort
2. Body Language
3. Energy
4. Being Prepared
5. Passion
6. Work Ethic
7. Doing Extra
8. Attitude
9. Being Coachable
10. Being on Time!!! Always
Now, go be a man my son.
Great stuff. Attitude is everything. Your entire happiness, or lack of it, comes from attitude. Also being on time 😃
I have to admit. I had no idea "wizened" was a word. Gotta use that tomorrow.
JustSchmidt has to admit??? Sir, you are a poet and don't know it...but your feet show it (they're Longfellows)!! LOL