This is Pretty Cool for tax write offs. It automatically logs the miles I drive everyday as business Miles. Car maintenance and up-keep. These are all business expenses. car registration, Insurance and even the meals I eat everyday. This is sweet. they even let me use it for free to see how it works for a few weeks. I downloaded it to my cell phone so that it automatically logs the miles as I am driving.
Tax write offs
Posted 6 years, 4 months ago
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Coleman Lauderdale (celeek)

Ride Apprentice from California
smooth quiet
I drive uber in palm springs. i want to learn about being safe
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The KEY to tax deduction is mileage. I've driven since the beginning and 2 out of 3 years my mileage alone offset ALL the earnings from Uber/Lyft. If you deduct mileage, you cannot deduct any other car related expenses whatsoever, but IT WORKS!!! As a result, I don't track anything else because it doesn't benefit you once your Uber/Lyft earnings are taken to zero.
Keep in mind from the time you turn the app on and begin your work until you return home, ALL miles are deductible. I use a program called "MileIQ" which works totally in the background and tracks every mile I drive all the time. I then seperate (easily on a spreasheet) the day job from the Uber/Lyft and it takes seconds at the end of the year to have a report which WILL SATISFY the IRS in the event of an audit.
Wait, you can write off meals on taxes?
The meals that you eat while doing your job Independent contractor. its amazing try it free trial. you will be glad you did