Uber driver assaults lady in Bristol MA. Any thoughts from drivers or passengers?
Posted 6 years, 2 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Not necessarily saying this woman is lying but a few things dont add up about this woman's story. Why didnt she try to contact police in the app or by calling 911 when driver first commented about her breast. When he was slowing down approaching stop sign why not try to get out then? Why not open windows and scream? Why not take her purse (women usually have something heavy in it) and whack him upside his head? When he slowed down at some point make an attempt to do something at least call police. In the 2 miles no attempt was made by woman to contact police, a friend, or family. He is driving she is behind him doesnt that give her some leverage over him? Maybe the news outlet just did a quick story and left details out. Maybe she was so afraid she wasnt thinking straight. Not quite sure but definately need more info. His account was deactivated and so was hers. News outlet couldnt understand why she was deactivated. How do they know it all happened the way she said it…
Not necessarily saying this woman is lying but a few things dont add up about this woman's story. Why didnt she try to contact police in the app or by calling 911 when driver first commented about her breast. When he was slowing down approaching stop sign why not try to get out then? Why not open windows and scream? Why not take her purse (women usually have something heavy in it) and whack him upside his head? When he slowed down at some point make an attempt to do something at least call police. In the 2 miles no attempt was made by woman to contact police, a friend, or family. He is driving she is behind him doesnt that give her some leverage over him? Maybe the news outlet just did a quick story and left details out. Maybe she was so afraid she wasnt thinking straight. Not quite sure but definately need more info. His account was deactivated and so was hers. News outlet couldnt understand why she was deactivated. How do they know it all happened the way she said it did? They both need to be deactivated until the authorities know the truth. Why would she care if her account was deactivated? I would probably never get into an Uber ever again unless it was a female driver.
I am not saying this driver is innocent. Not saying woman is lying. There are some things that just dont add up. Obviously if this did happen driver should be deactivated permanently and should go to jail. If woman is lying or aggagerating then she should be deactivated permanently and brought up on charges. Alrhough there has been legitimate cases where drivers have assaulted woman its not unheard of that riders lie and exaggerate things about the drivers. Hopefully the truth comes out.
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