Uber sues Chicago. Sounds like Lyft is paying off some politicians, Uber pissed!
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)
Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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I swear Lyft is getting more and more evil every day. That pink mustache is starting to lose it's friendly appeal...
Agreed. It should be a pink frown:( I think Lyft is just taking some evil plays out of Ubers Evil Playbook:) Remember all the stuff did back in the beginnning. Ordering Lyfts and cancelling them was one thing. I know there was something else involving the police. Lyft just paying Uber back. Lol
Or pink angry eyebrows 😤
That is definately a great idea Chris. Lol
It must be so exhausting to be an exec at one of these companies LOL
They make plenty of money for their exhausting day:) I'd work 16 hrs per day 6 days per week for 46M + stock, bonuses, etc... Sorry but no one in this world works hard enough for that kind of money:)
Sure looks like some corruption going on there. It's funny. Taxis were always known as a shady business with lots of underhanded things going on behind the scenes. mob connections. etc. Uber and Lyft came along and sort of upended that. But now it just seems like they're headed back that way... What is it about transportation that breeds this kind of corruption.
Uber and Lyft have to be paying people off. They get away with too much and never seem to get into any trouble other than a few law suits.
Lyft was always as bad as UBER but somehow they got away with it until now. Tigers don't lise their stripes, they just camouflage it real well.