As a result of multiple allegations of criminal behavior by its drivers, Uber revamps how it handles customer complaints of sexual misconduct.
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Felicia has been involved in the rideshare industry for two years now, and currently is responsible for maintaining & updating social media and blogs for both the and RideGuru brands.
She has been an Uber rider since its inception, and is knowledgable about the industry and its counterparts!
As a result of multiple allegations of criminal behavior by its drivers, Uber revamps how it handles customer complaints of sexual misconduct.
did they decide to not immediately delete them? lol
while we joke, it is funny how they had to "revamp" it. The fact that it had to be modified means there were issues, right?
"It almost seems like a little bit dismissive," Brix said. "I never even found out if the driver was still on the road."
Not sure if I blame Uber on this one. I think their intention was genuine to improve the process.
However they get zero credit from the media, perhaps due to their tainted reputation, that anything nthey do is seen and worded in a negative light. I think the word, "revamp", is a proof of that. (I mean, why not just say, "improve?"
I hope they "revamp" their workplace policies so women are treated better.