I know the company has been able to raise enormous amounts of money ($12.5 billion) from VC's and large corporations but do you think one day Uber will plan to carry out a stock market listing? If so, when and what is holding Uber back?
What is keeping Uber from going public?
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Lilly Kenyon (lilly)
Ride Guru
RideGuru market data & operations expert
Lilly has been involved with the taxi and rideshare industry for 6 years. Over the years Lilly has led the many operational aspects of growing TaxiFareFinder.com and building Ride.Guru. Through marketing efforts and rideshare data management, Lilly has developed relationships with various taxi and rideshare companies across the globe. Furthermore, Lilly leads the support team for both TaxiFareFinder and RideGuru and has years of experience answering the toughest rideshare and taxi questions!
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Uber is a pyramid scheme and they if they haven't seen profit now when the hell will they See it ? they should be ashamed themselves for what they did to the drivers especially the ones that committed suicide and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes when it's time for them to leave this earth.
I think in the next 10 years we will see Uber go public, but I know the CEO is trying to hold out as long as he can before he can't resist an IPO any longer. If Uber isn't becoming increasingly profitable they will have to go public eventually so they can find some liquidity for investors.