I have to say there is one class of people I can't stand. While I understand what they are doing, they do it without consideration for anyone other than themselves. That is the individual who calls Uber, Lyft and Ola for a ride and then takes the first to arrive, canceling the other two. Two drivers have in good faith expended the time, gas and vehicular wear and tear to come get your sorry self and because you were furthest away (and it cost you the most to get there) you lose out to another service closer than you were. Pitting one service against another is one story, taking advantage of already cash strapped drivers who are just trying to make ends meet, takes the cake. I hope they reserve a special spot for you in hell.
Who in your opinion are the bottom feeders of the ride share experience?
Angry Drivers
Passengers from hell? Complaints or suggestions for Uber and Lyft? Glaring problem with the industry? Do you have stories of your horrible experiences with rideshare services? Leave your comments here and share your stories.
Frank Pressly (fpressly)
Ride Apprentice from Greenville, SC
Video te ego audiam vos ego sentio tibi. - Cat herder - Uber/Lyft 3000 rides
I have been a ride share driver for almost three years. While I like the ride share concept, I truly hate it's implementation and the way Uber and Lyft have so little regard for their work force. I am for the little guy. I seek to right injustice and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. It's usually the ones you find hardest to love that need it the most. Please enjoy my opinion and if you like (or even if you just welcome the effort), an upvote is a digital pat on the back and is most appreciated. I invite you to read my other comments and upvote them as well. Thanks
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