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Why Uber Is A Scam - Math Explains

{{ ratingSum }}
398 Driver
 Posted 8 years, 3 months ago

Here's the math considering Uber commissions, fuell, depreciation of the car,taxes,



    {{ ratingSum }}
    560 Driver
     8 years ago

    I've been driving for about 8 months, and I've been doing this math as well.  I actually spoke to a few other friends driving Uber X and many of them went back to driving the Yellow back in April when they saw their tax obligations.

    Depreciation on your car, maintenance fees, and tax liabilities....those seem to be big ones.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1026 Rider Guru
     8 years ago

    Interesting video but she didn't factor in the per minute charge nor did she factor in the base fare! Both of these add a little bit more money earned to the driver.