Posted by:
Bekah Wheeler
Mar 22, 2020
Updated Mar 22, 2020
![Symptoms of covid-19]()
COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, is sweeping the world as cases break out just about everywhere. While it is easy to give into the panic of this pandemic, it is important for us all as a collective community to stay calm and understand how we can help. With the lack of tests it is very important for each individual to learn the signs and symptoms of the viral illness in order to protect yourself and others from the spread.
Confirmed cases of Coronavirus have had a wide range of severity. Some are mild, while others are more severe and have been fatal. Symptoms can appear between two to fourteen days after exposure to the virus. If you have been experiencing any of the following signs of please call your doctor immediately:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
If you do find yourself experiencing these symptoms is is important to not panic. These are fairly common symptoms and can be the sign of many other common colds. What you should do is call your doctor and let them know how you are feeling. They will then give you the appropriate next steps. It is important to follow your doctors instructions as many hospitals have different procedures for how to deal with and quarantine anyone who may have the virus.
While it is important to understand the symptoms of Covid-19, it is also just as important to understand how to protect yourself from Coronavirus. The most important thing to remember is to social distance. This cannot be stressed enough! Stay home to keep yourself and others, who may be more vulnerable, safe.
Additional Tips for Avoiding Covid-19
- If you are sick, stay home. Your immune system is compromised, which makes it easier for you to catch and carry an illness.
- Stay 8 feet away from all people if you do leave your house.
- Try not to touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.
- Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze.
- Throw away tissues in the trash as soon as they have been used.
- Wash your hands thoroughly as often as you can using soap and warm water, lathering for twenty seconds.
- Disinfect and clean items that are used frequently, especially phones, doorknobs, etc.
- Wear a face mask if you are feeling sick.
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