Ride Apprentice
Posts by AndrewCalam
What do Uber/Lyft drivers do that they don't want the customers/riders/passengers to know?
Spill it!! -
Are there really that many drivers who have over 10,000 trips on Lyft? Considering high turnover of rideshare drivers, I have a hard time believing there are that many.
I am referring to how Lyft is giving stock options to those drivers who have more than 10,000 trips.Not … -
Cringe-worthy Uber driver offering a promo code and a ride
Has your Uber driver ever stopped to get gas while you are in the car? mid-ride?
The car having a wheelchair or a Spanish speaking driver doesn't mean it's automatically an UberX size.
Maybe it's an SUV (UberXL) that happens to have a wheelchair or a Mexican driver.
Uber algo gone wrong. Love the outcome.
The restaurants can cancel orders for pretty much any reason at all. It stinks they'd lose that business, but maybe they can do that if they have serious concerns about the driver or it's some fraudulent order placed by the driver or something.
I gave this a lot of thought for the course of the last year, and I’m thinking it’s the price range.
There's definitely larger distance between the driver and the passenger on an SUB. Think the 6 feet guidance. It's impossible on a sedan, but it's possible on an SUV.
Way more air volume inside.
Speaking of the air, I noticed drivers with make-shift barrier. Total ghetto, but I appreciate the attempts and I did feel safer.
Is inside of your car even a private property? Isn't it public sort of a public place?
You can't just do whatever you want in middle of a city block just because you are in your car, righit?
I didn't know Uber almost bought GrubHub. They should have while they had the chance.
Lyft staying the course is...reckless? I did see they are trying to start a food delivery service...
Typical NYPost. Zero details. The context totally matters here. Does anyone know what happened? Why was this man dangling? Was it some Logan Paul like blogger seeking for attention? Was he trying to get in or out? Did he really need a ride? Why did the driver drive off?
So many questions.
LOL. "Stop sending me garbage cut and paste notifications."
Maybe you are in the wrong business.
I saw this. It somehow made the national news. (even though it was chicago local at first)
I don't think they are using the Uber app. I think it's just a normal horse buggy service, like the one you see at fancy parks. This has nothin to do with Uber.Just a marketing thing.
He's calling himself an Uber. You have to flag him down with your hand. (They say this at the end of the video.)
Because Uber is like 10x bigger and is synonymous with "taxi' now. Uber is the evil empire and always has been.
How many people can lift 100 pounds?
How much is this thing? I mean for the “driver”
I didn't know it was that bad. So these images are true:
Is "raining spaghetti and meatballs" a famous phrase? Forget it being a reality. I didn't even know it was a thing.
Sounds super lame.
Funny how you mention that the riders have changed. (from nice to rude) That's what riders are now saying about their drivers.
I wonder if something has changed or it's more the people utilizing the Uber's platform (both drivers and riders). I heard that the reason more drivers are rude is because they aren't professional drivers but just entitled car owners looking to make a few bucks. They aren't trained in customer service, and they just treat riders as wallets walking around.
I thought Bob Barker died.
What's the difference between prostitutes and hookers?