hank johns (hanktoto)
Ride Apprentice
174 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by hanktoto
5.0 rating, with 500 Five stars given for my last 500 trips!!
Anyone else achieve this? -
Lyft makes you arrive at the EXACT location?
So annoying, I have run into issues with the Lyft app recently where it wont let me say I have … -
'Don't kill me': Video shows Uber driver begging passenger to stop attack
awful.https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/local/article/Don-t-kill-me-Video-shows-Uber-driver-16423744.php -
Who is letting pax ride up front right now?
anyone? I have had requests with 4 passengers and when I arrive and turn them down because I don't want … -
Do I still have to help handicapped passengers into my car with Covid?
I don't want to be mean but I would also rather not go touching strangers right now. -
I'm a driver for Uber and Lyft — here are 8 ways I can tell someone is going to be a bad passenger within 5 seconds
What are your 8 ways?https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-lyft-driver-bad-passengers-2019-11 -
Uber and Lyft drivers reveal what they notice about passengers when they pick them up
Interesting read on BI. What do you notice first? I would say just general appearance - is that shallow? -
Uber to Ban Riders with Low Ratings.
What does everything think of this? Is it for real or just a publicity stunt?https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2019/05/29/uber-will-ban-riders-with-low-ratings/#520b761972cf -
Just because you got an Uber doesn't mean the driver strike was a bust!
I think the strike was still effective despite what some people are saying. The more we ban together the stronger … -
Thoughts on Lyfts Personal Power Zones?
Have you found it to work better than their prime time model? I primarily driver for Uber but am curious … -
It's official. Uber and Lyft are in an IPO race.
"The first to go public would get dibs on investors eager for a piece of the ride-hailing business." Both are … -
Where do you park when you need a break?
I just got paid DOUBLE for an Uber ride
I was taking this gentleman to the airport and when we arrived he asked how much the fare was - … -
TurboTax Uber? Can I use TurboTax for Uber?
Women hit on freeway after being ordered out of Uber car
And now Uber is fighting the case and trying to get it thrown out on a technicality saying the case …
Yep this. "Drivers pocketed an average of $1,469 per month in 2014 but only $783 by 2018."
My wages have steadily gone down since starting to drive for Uber in 2015.
Raise you hand if you already knew this!!
I will turn the lights on in the car and say loudly "excuse me, we are here". Only once has the person not woken up when I have done this, in that case I tried to wake them by yelling "excuse me" once more and finally I reached back and prodded him a little bit. He was so drunk though, this doesn't really happen often.
I try to only sign on when the kids are at school or my wife is at work/asleep. I dont make nearly as much as I could but after a really tough spell with my wife I knew it was more important to not put everything I have into driving. Sometimes I still get this itch though to do just a few more rides, make a few more bucks but I know every minute I stay out on the road and leave my wife alone at home with the kids she will be more and more irritable when I walk through that door. Toughest part for me is feeling like Im not providing enough for my family. My wife has a decent job, thank god, but I want to provide more.
Normally I sit and wait, I find rides come just about as quick if I am in one place vs driving around and this way I am not wasting gas money. Sometimes If I am in a really obscure location though I will start to drive back towards busier areas.
Wait really? Where did you hear this?
Frankly, I have never noticed this. I do think Lyft pax are anti-uber because of their morals so maybe they are just better tippers.
I always say that I am the cheapest shrink around driving for Uber. I must exude some type of calmness that makes people want to connect with me.
Once I had a man in tears about how he regretted not spending more time with his late father, that hit me hard. Most times I try to move on from these stories and live my life but it seems like the stories I have heard always find a way to creep into the conversations I am having with friends, family, etc.
Geico baby! Always been good to me.
Right, there really isn't any safety measures for the drivers. I know they cannot background check riders but at least let us see the person/have a little info. Though I guess people could just discriminate certain riders which is probably why Uber does not do this.
Uber support is truly the worst. I go out of my way to not contact Uber support if I can, the obviously do not care about their drivers.
I'll always get out and help with luggage, it doesn't matter if it is a boy or a girl. Though some men seem to get offended. If I sense it is that kind of a person I may just pop the trunk.
I always hate this one. What am I supposed to say, "No, I hate it" lol
do passengers even care about their ratings?
Riders have no idea what the stars mean, so many think 3 stars in good when in fact that could jeopardize my job. It sucks.
This is why we wanted in app tips all along, people are so much more likely to tip when they app suggests it. Glad it is becoming more the norm - though I personally am not really seeing this yet.
I am sure the people who are complaining about he strike are the people who make 6 digits and have cushy jobs. *Eyeroll*
I was just reading this article on CNBC - Gas prices have been the highest they have been in 4 years!!
I don't think so, he seemed quite technologically illiterate. The ride only cost $27...
I've never had to kick anyone out thank goodness but I did consider it once when some guy got in my car with a Make America Great Again hat...