This time is is over fual prices. When will people learn, Uber doesn't care if you go on strike and there will always be a 100 more people to fill your driver positions. If you don't like the job, get a new one.
Another day, another Uber driver strike (South Africa)
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
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This isn't just in South Africa, drivers in America are getting frustrated over the rising gas prices as well.
Well, with most jobs you get raises every year at least to cover inflation, right now drivers are working for LESS than they were 6 months ago. That is not ok.
It is not that easy to just get another job. I do not think these drivers are being unjust in their demands. If fuel costs go up a decent amount that really cuts into profits. Uber should adjust fares accordingly.
I am sure the people who are complaining about he strike are the people who make 6 digits and have cushy jobs. *Eyeroll*
Has an Uber strike ever resulted in good results?