Late last night AB5 passed with a party line 29-11 vote will be signed by governor News on and become the law as of January 1, 2020
AB5 has passes the CA Senate, what's next? What will UBER and Lyft do?
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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AB5 was just signed into law by Governor Newsome, it'll be fun to see how U/L squirm out of this!
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My understanding is that it has to pass the state assembly as well since there were amendments added. But it is likely to do so. This will change everything.
It just passed the state assembly, going for Newsoms signature today, has to be done by tomorrow
Not if UBER, Lyft and Doordash are willing to spend 90 million to bring it to a state referendum. They'll fight all the way, it'll be a battle. However, as a deterrent it was timely, theyve gone way too far abusing the gig workers. If there was a survey of all drivers of these companies, what would you say the numbers would be? I'd guess it'll be a very high percentage in the unsatisfied camp.
So what happens now? When does the state assembly decide?
do you think Uber/Lyft will "fire" a bunch of drivers?
It has to be signed by the governor by Friday, it won't be the law of the land until January 2020. Let the legal games begin. They can't fire you, you're not their employee.
So will they have to "hire" all the rideshare drivers in January? In other words are some drivers going to be out of a job?
Nope. It'll be long drawn fight. They just put up 90 million dollars to bring it to a state referendum in CA for the 2020 elections. Drivers are not employees now, so they won't be out of a job. This is what Lyft is doing in NY though.