Is it illegal to charge more for these special Uber and Taxi prices for handicap access?
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Is it illegal to charge more for these special Uber and Taxi prices for handicap access?
Loading fees of $30 charged this person.
Hey if you would like to make a lil extra money I’m in desperate need of a ride to Kingston Ontario on the 30th I’ll pay you if you could take me there ik this is a lil odd but you are a Uber driver so I felt as if it wouldn’t be to much to ask just please take it into great consideration the ride is very much needed DDominico69
I remember hearing something like this for hotels and accessibility rooms, and how they should not be different prices.
I found it. Google is a friend:
i get it that normal stuff like wheelchair ramps and wheelchairs themselves should not be extra cost but for taxi drivers, isn't it more of a service the driver needs to provide? There's a cost to them providing the equipment or spending the time.
It's not about the cost, right? Ramps cost a lot to build but they build them.