I just want to call an Uber, is there an easier way than having to download the app? Seems like such a hassle...
Does uber have a phone number I can just call to get a ride?
The Guru Take
Unfortunately, Uber does not have a Phone Number...
The most popular way to order an Uber is through their app, it is actually quite easy once you get used to it! There is a way to order an Uber through a website (though it still requires you to create an Uber account). There are also separate companies that will order an Uber or Lyft for you for a small fee, you would call these companies and they would then order the Uber to your location.
If you do want to give the app a try, half way down on this page, we have step by step directions!
RideGuru market data & operations expert
@lilly had a pretty good answer, thanks for the help!
you could use rideguru! lol, you are already on the website afterall. they make it easy to tell you what steps to take
that would be nice, but can you imagine all the millions of people trying to call in at once.. that would be a lot of money to pay for phone operators.
Why would anyone be calling Uber? Isn't the whole reason taxi sucks and uber rocks is the lack of phones? I should also be saying the same thing to the OP, huh.
You can call a service that will book your ride for you, which is pretty much the same thing but it will cost you a bit extra (most of the time depending on how expensive your fare is).