I requested a round trip with Uber earlier today. I was going to a liquor store to pick up something I had ordered for a friend’s birthday. The driver while pleasant was sort of inappropriate because it was obvious he was using the entire trip to ask personal and intrusive questions about my religious beliefs. Essentially telling me I needed to accept Jesus Christ as my savior. Once we got to my destination, he informed that he would not allow any alcohol in his car even if it was stored in his trunk. I’ve discussed his behavior with Uber but they are vague about his refusal to finish the trip and essentially strand me at the store until I could request a new driver. I was not inappropriate, intoxicated or acting in any way that would cause concern. Can drivers refuse service based solely on some type of religious belief and no other issue with a passenger?
Driver refusing to complete a trip
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
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He also could lie and say the alcohol contsiner is open. He dont seem like a stand up guy.
No they can't, it's against TOS, but if you complained to UBER, they will definitely deactivate him. However, he can refuse to wait for you more than 3 minutes at your first stop and end the ride.
Thanks. It would’ve been under 3 minutes and he made it clear it had nothing to do with waiting. I use Uber frequently and fortunately this has been my first really negative experience.
That's too bad, it's against TOS to refuse rides, there is a laundry list of things