How often do you find you get tipped as an Uber driver?
The Guru Take
Not frequently to be honest - maybe about 5-10% of the time or less. Unfortunately there's no tipping option in the Uber app so as you could imagine, drivers don't get many tips. This is actually a big point of contention between drivers and Uber but competitors like Lyft do offer a tipping option and some drivers have even started using tip signs or boxes in order to get tips and more importantly raise 'tipping awareness'.
A lot of Uber passengers are under the impression that you can't tip an Uber driver (you can!) or that tip is included in the fare (it isn't!).
UPDATE: Uber has added a tipping option in 2017. However, the tipping culture hasn't changed significantly, where drivers still report about 5~10% of riders tipping.

If people did tip drivers it might even make it worth driving for Uber and Lyft. As of now, for me out of my last hundred trips I was tipped seven times. I have discovered that driving for these companies, while leasing a car is absolutely not sufficient enough income to get by much less make a living of it. I'll probably be in the red for the experience.