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Is there really an Uber for dogs?

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3460 Rider Driver Driver
 Posted 7 years, 7 months ago

The Guru Take


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    My neighbor did this for a few months. Enjoyed it as it got her out of the house and people usually tipped her everytime. She had a dog so went out fir walks anyway. Good idea for retired people or kids in college.  On inclement weather days she stayed home. If you like animals, want to make a few $, and get some exercise not a bad idea. Big cities where people have $, work long hrs, and dont have a park very close must be good places to do this.

    UBER ADDS BRING YOUR PET - non service animals

     Last month in Philly Uber added "pets". You can opt in or opt out. If someone wants to bring a pet along thats not a service animal the rider can order an Uber for a few dollars more to bring the animal. It alerts the driver and you get a few $ more. I cant see people paying the extra $ as they just bring the animal anyway or says its a service animal. The few people that have brought non service animals along usually asked before they tried putting them in to my car. 

    I ha…


    My neighbor did this for a few months. Enjoyed it as it got her out of the house and people usually tipped her everytime. She had a dog so went out fir walks anyway. Good idea for retired people or kids in college.  On inclement weather days she stayed home. If you like animals, want to make a few $, and get some exercise not a bad idea. Big cities where people have $, work long hrs, and dont have a park very close must be good places to do this.

    UBER ADDS BRING YOUR PET - non service animals

     Last month in Philly Uber added "pets". You can opt in or opt out. If someone wants to bring a pet along thats not a service animal the rider can order an Uber for a few dollars more to bring the animal. It alerts the driver and you get a few $ more. I cant see people paying the extra $ as they just bring the animal anyway or says its a service animal. The few people that have brought non service animals along usually asked before they tried putting them in to my car. 

    I had one lady literally toss 2 smalls dogs in my car with wet paws, say "ill be back" and went back inside the house. The one dog jumped in my lap with wet paws. The first 20 min into the ride was really strange. She brought 3 bags of unooened mail with her and proceeded to open it & rip it up all over my back seat as she talked in a child's voice to the dogs". I thought I was in an episide of "Pranked".  Then she asked to stop & get coffee. We pull up I park, a few minutes go by she asks "are you going in for me"? I said no as I was not leaving my car unattended with a stranger. She took the one dog & tossed her into my lap & said "guess you are holding her then". Again wet dog in my lap. Things got stranger right after getting her coffee. Too much to get into as this post is long enough:) Ten minutes after her getting her coffee things took a turn. She became normal. Cleaned up every last scrap of mail, stopped talking to dogs in child like voice, and had a normal intelligent conversation. She either desperately needed her Starbucks coffee in the morning or she took her meds once she got the coffee. Who knew Starbucks coffee can help someone that much:) She did add a 25% tip at end of ride. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    I think people have bigger things to worry about now.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    54 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Yes is called Uber pool. Aren't most of the riders dogs? Many riders act like animals.