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Let us improve your rides!

{{ ratingSum }}
3 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

Dear Drivers and Passengers,

we are an aspiring start up and we are currently working on some features,
that will improve the driving experience of shared rides - for drivers and passengers!🚗🏃‍♂️

We have already learned a lot from your community and now we want to quantify your needs!
Do you think you could participate in our survey?
There is also a $500 Amazon gift card to win.

We would really appreciate that!
But we wish you a wonderful holiday one way or the other!🎅🙏

Survey for Drivers: https://surveymonkey.com/r/ridesharingdriver

Survey for Passengers: https://surveymonkey.com/r/ridesharingpassenger

Best wishes,



    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    At the end of the survey it states "we will optimize your rides/service soon" or something close to that. How are you going to accomplish that? If this is Uber or Lyft putting the survey out which I know thats not the case they dont listen to drivers. One of the questions should be about pay, drivers rates, and the so called perks we are offered by Uber & Lyft. Safety for the driver is a big issue right now but no one seems to address that. Maybe if we felt safer we wouldnt decline a lot of trip request. For example 1am request comes through Lyft rider has a 4.8 which is kind of low for Lyft. Riders name is "D!@k$w@llower" only its written out correctly. Its 1:30 am, low rating, and fake name. Who wants to pick them up? Not many drivers as his request came back to me 4X over 20/25 min. He is probably still waiting for a ride. His dumbass couldn't figure out that the name he chose was making drivers uncomfortable. Maybe if some of these safety issues were ad…


    At the end of the survey it states "we will optimize your rides/service soon" or something close to that. How are you going to accomplish that? If this is Uber or Lyft putting the survey out which I know thats not the case they dont listen to drivers. One of the questions should be about pay, drivers rates, and the so called perks we are offered by Uber & Lyft. Safety for the driver is a big issue right now but no one seems to address that. Maybe if we felt safer we wouldnt decline a lot of trip request. For example 1am request comes through Lyft rider has a 4.8 which is kind of low for Lyft. Riders name is "D!@k$w@llower" only its written out correctly. Its 1:30 am, low rating, and fake name. Who wants to pick them up? Not many drivers as his request came back to me 4X over 20/25 min. He is probably still waiting for a ride. His dumbass couldn't figure out that the name he chose was making drivers uncomfortable. Maybe if some of these safety issues were addressed and rates were somewhat better drivers would put more effort out there. Not to mention the lies drivers are catching Uber and Lyft in on the fares. Put a survey out on that:)

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 3 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Thanks for taking the time!

      We know that your story is not unique and how much suffering you drivers have. That's why we are actively working on a solution. Thanks also for your advice with the wages, we are sure that our features will help to guarantee a fairer payment. 

      Thanks again for your feedback! We appreciate that. If you are in contact with other drivers or passengers, it would help us a lot if you shared the survey! 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Best of luck. Does this mean a new rideshare company is entering the market? Would love to see an honest decent coming take the other 2 down:)