What do you think about Lyft PPZ? Do you like it as a driver? Do you prefer PT over PPZ?
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Passengers from hell? Complaints or suggestions for Uber and Lyft? Glaring problem with the industry? Do you have stories of your horrible experiences with rideshare services? Leave your comments here and share your stories.
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
What do you think about Lyft PPZ? Do you like it as a driver? Do you prefer PT over PPZ?
It's a scam, the other day I did a ride on Lyft where I was paid a 10 dollar bonus from LAX to downtown Los Angeles at 11pm, it's a 17 mile ride and took less than half an hour, I got paid a total of $25 and the pax was charged over $60, so they're charging the pax prine time but paying the driver a lousy $10 bonus, it would have been much worse in rush hour traffic.
Does this at least save costs for the riders. No, I don’t know what this is. LOL
No it doesn't, it's green light for Lyft to screw the passenger and the driver.
It’s a way to make it super obscure so no one understands how much they are getting paid.
Learning from the best, Uber.
Yeah exactly Uber the evil empire and Lyft the dysfunctional little sister 😆
It's this 100%. And it's completely intentional. Lyft and Uber know exactly what they are doing with strategies like this.
I'm glad you're with me, since I wrote that I may have a better version, hybrid game of Pokemon Go and Wheel of Fortune. First you'll have to find the Pokemon, the pink box, then the Wheel of Fortune starts, then adding pennies to the bonus every few seconds. What do you think? 😆
Hey that's a great idea. I mean, all the kids are playing pokemon already, might as well put them in cars to drive people around...
Yep, let's give that a try, immediate deactivation. 😆😂