$2.75 for rideshares
$2.50 for taxis
$0.75 for pooled services (incl. Uber POOL and the like)
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$2.75 for rideshares
$2.50 for taxis
$0.75 for pooled services (incl. Uber POOL and the like)
Wow. That seems a bit steep. I assume it gets passed on to the passenger.
I was gonna say it doesn't seem so bad. London has a £11.50 congestion charge. That's like $15-16.
London's congestion charge is per day, not per trip. Big difference. In NYC many people take rides multiple times a day so this will really add up.
Anything to cut down on congestion. I wish they would do this in more places.
Read the article. Some other places do do it, but the charges are much lower. Well under a dollar.
I see some irony in this. I bet Uber is kicking themselves that they didn't raise rates sooner, because the reason the city is charging these fees is to make it more expensive so there'd be more competition, right? That $400M that city will pocket could have gone to Uber.
Will this money really be used to combat congestion? or is it just a made-up justification?
or are they saying that the economics of raising the fares will naturally control congestion?
WHAT A HUGE BOMBSHELL. Are you joking??? Everyone is greedy!!!
As part of the budget that New York lawmakers passed last Friday, ride-hailing services and taxis face a new fee if they drive in Manhattan. These aren't nickel-and-dime increases, either: Uber, Lyft and the like face a $2.75 charge for each ride, taxis get a $2.50 increase and group ride services like Via and uberPOOL will be charged $0.75 per customer. It's meant to combat congestion and help fund subway repair and improvements, providing an expected $400 million per year going forward for the MTA.
This sucks for poor people. All the rich people from the upper west side sitting in their uber blacks are not going to give a damn.
Wait, why are taxi drivers complaining with these sky high fees? Oh, it's because this essentially gave Ubers a greenlight to proceed working in Manhattan?
Taxis have to pay it too. Well, 2.50 instead of 2.75.
That actually really puts this into perspective. So, this was truly a greenlight for the Ubers to operate in NYC. That is crushing for those poor taxi drivers.