Another Uber competitor. "Ola will open operations in Greater Manchester and south Wales, including capital Cardiff, within the next month."
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Another Uber competitor. "Ola will open operations in Greater Manchester and south Wales, including capital Cardiff, within the next month."
and in another month Didi will arrive hot on their heels
I didn't expect this to be the next move... I guess they were waiting for Uber to set the precendence. They just got approved there.
London is a nice town to move into. Small and tight area. Heavy usage of taxis and rideshares.
Those poor black cab drivers though. They had to go through so much testing adn now their whole livlihood is changing. I would be pissed.
In my mind it is a race between Uber, Ola, and Didi. Sorry Lyft...
Didn't they just lanuch in Australia? Why the sudden international expansion?
yes they did, I think this was a few months back.
Oooooooh, it's like watching the soap opera. Another character enters the seen!