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Pax Scared me so bad I cancelled - CREEPY

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 6 years, 4 months ago


I've been driving for 3 years and I have only had to cancel out of fear 3 times. Caught this one on my dash cam. Someone suggested I posted it to this forum, hope you guys take something from it -

CREEPY! Uber Driver gets SCARED AS HELL - Real Footage 


mainly - with halloween coming up, be careful of who you let in your car! 


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Would of did the same thing. Happy to hear that you were not hacked into pieces and stuffed into a trunk in a parking garage. Lol More seriously you never know what can take place in an Uber. I've pulled up and said the same thing as you many times.  Last week had pick up in Philly her rating was 4.72. She called me to ask if I was outside. She sounded incredibly drunk/high and grumpy. I am in an apt complex parking lot surrounded by cars one way out. After the call I decide to get out of there and cancel. Of course as I try to make my escape here comes rider. Turns out its her boyfriend going not her.  He gets in tells me to turn up radio really loud. I ask what station he replies "whats on is fine". I am thinking this is odd because the song was something I never heard of and just not the type of music I would think he would listen to. He says nothing more for a about 2 miles. I smell alcohol at this point and hear what sounds like him going through a bag (didnt see him ge…


    Would of did the same thing. Happy to hear that you were not hacked into pieces and stuffed into a trunk in a parking garage. Lol More seriously you never know what can take place in an Uber. I've pulled up and said the same thing as you many times.  Last week had pick up in Philly her rating was 4.72. She called me to ask if I was outside. She sounded incredibly drunk/high and grumpy. I am in an apt complex parking lot surrounded by cars one way out. After the call I decide to get out of there and cancel. Of course as I try to make my escape here comes rider. Turns out its her boyfriend going not her.  He gets in tells me to turn up radio really loud. I ask what station he replies "whats on is fine". I am thinking this is odd because the song was something I never heard of and just not the type of music I would think he would listen to. He says nothing more for a about 2 miles. I smell alcohol at this point and hear what sounds like him going through a bag (didnt see him get in with one). I cant see him in my rearview very well. Next thing I hear is a big sniff. About 30 secs later Mr. Quiet turns to Mr. Talkative Happy Pants. I hear his whole life story. Tells me he drives for Uber where I should drive blah blah blah. Not to follow GPS. Ended up missing turn as he was talking so much he forgot he was supposed to be directing me.  Almost puts me on expressway. I know where to go at this point and convince him I know the way. Did I mention we were headed to Olney in North Philly? Has me drop him off on a Street corner instead of address listed. Lesson learned is never get backed into an area that you cant make a fast getaway. Conclusion is he snorted something that turned him into Mr. Talkative Happy Pants.  He was taking the ride to pick up more of the happy powder for grumpy drunk gf. Also think he had a stash of happy powder that he hid from gf and thats why he chose to snort it in my car. As I am almost to destination I get a request which I decline. He tells me I should've accepted it as I just turned down $. Had we not been in North Philly he was right. Since we were there I was not picking up any other rider that was snorting, injecting, smoking, carrying any illegal substance. Of course I know that can happen in any neighborhood but chances in this area are definately greater for getting that type of rider at that time of night. As I ended trip he got out I immediately shut off app as I didnt want to chance getting his request to head back to grumpy drunk gf with some happy powder. As soon as I got back to my usually waiting spot I checked back of car and sure enough there sat a lone tiny drug baggy with powder residue. I can only assume it was his. I sent message to Uber not to pair me with her again that although I didnt have 100% proof it was his it was definately a very good possibility. Last lesson learned and probably the best is to install cameras.  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Oh wow, sorry this happened to you. I would have been pissed and nervous about having drug residue in my car. I am glad he was a happy drugie at least, made a clean getaway from his GF and got to finish their stash himself lol

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Yes definately saved it for himself. She definately didnt get any happy powder. Was in desparate need of some. Heroin is being cut with carfentanil and now at least in Canada they are finding it in cocaine. It's so potent just getting it on your skin can cause issues. Didnt want to risk another rider or my family coming in contact with it.  I wiped down  everything he could've touched. The scary part is he could've overdosed in my car. He also claimed to be an Uber driver and going to get his CDL. Hopefully not using drugs while driving people around or while driving a big tractor trailer.  Its people like this that make me want to carry narcan in my car. Trying to get it at little to no cost. Also want to double check 'The Good Samartan Laws" make sure I cannot be sued under any circumstances. It's a sad world we live in that when trying to help someone they can sue you. I worry that one day someone may overdose in my car. If carrying narcan can save their life I have …


        Yes definately saved it for himself. She definately didnt get any happy powder. Was in desparate need of some. Heroin is being cut with carfentanil and now at least in Canada they are finding it in cocaine. It's so potent just getting it on your skin can cause issues. Didnt want to risk another rider or my family coming in contact with it.  I wiped down  everything he could've touched. The scary part is he could've overdosed in my car. He also claimed to be an Uber driver and going to get his CDL. Hopefully not using drugs while driving people around or while driving a big tractor trailer.  Its people like this that make me want to carry narcan in my car. Trying to get it at little to no cost. Also want to double check 'The Good Samartan Laws" make sure I cannot be sued under any circumstances. It's a sad world we live in that when trying to help someone they can sue you. I worry that one day someone may overdose in my car. If carrying narcan can save their life I have no problem carrying it or using it.  I would feel awful if someone died in my car when I could've prevented their death so easily but spraying a nasal spray. I get its their own fault for using drugs but I want no part of someone dying.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      120 Rider
       6 years ago

      Crap, mine is 4.72

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Wear your seatbelt, dont slam the door, and tip prefably cash especially for real short or real long rides (over 45 min) where the driver may not have a rider for way back, dont eat in the Uber, dont throw up, shower lol, dont leave trash, dont track mud, dirt, dog poop etc in the Uber. If you follow these rules you should always get 5 stars lol. I am not saying I would expect all this (would be nice though lol) but these are some of the things that piss some drivers off and they will rate you less than 5 stars. 

        It may be a good idea to try and bring rating up as some cities/drivers will not accept your request if you have a low rating. Seatbelt, door slamming, and not tipping seem to be at the top of the list. Do those things your rating should improve. 🙂 What city are you in? 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Driving around Halloween time is the WORST and I live in Salem, MA... So many crazies.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      120 Rider
       6 years ago

      Don't you making a killing though?

      and looking crazy and being crazy are different.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    275 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    OMG, this had me laughing soo hard! "oh fuck no!". I definitely would have pased up that ride too

    {{ ratingSum }}
    291 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    HAppens to me every weekend

    {{ ratingSum }}
    50 Rider
     6 years ago

    So I guess I shouldnt wear my reaper costume and order an Uber, huh?