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San Francisco Salesforce Tower: how to arrange for ridehsare from the Tower?

{{ ratingSum }}
4 Rider
 Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

I have tried internet search, but I cannot find the answer to my question: How do I arrange for a rideshare from the Salesforce Tower?  In other words, what is a good location for pickup, especially when it is raining?

Thanks in advance for any info!


    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     2 years ago

    That tower has a huge indoor area with escalators to the street iirc. when you are ready just go out there to the street and use the Uber app to hail the ride. If it's raining you can then go inside to wait.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago

    Is there a lobby or somewhere you can wait? You can really order an Uber to any location via their pinpoint feature.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 4 Rider
       2 years ago

      Thanks for the reply.

      I am not familiar with the Salesforce Tower, so I don't have the answer to your question.