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The self-driving Uber that killed a pedestrian in Arizona wasn’t programmed to see jaywalkers.

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2098 Rider
 Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

How are they testing this stuff on our roads with our lives at stake?  Human testing?

Findings released by US safety investigators revealed serious safety and design lapses in an autonomous car that killed Elaine Herzberg as she walked her bicycle across a road at night in Tempe, Arizona, in March 2018. According to Bloomberg, the report from the National Transportation Safety Board said “the car’s sensors detected Hertzberg and her bicycle but its computer failed to recognize the hazard. ‘The system design did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians.’”



    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I read in another article which I will post link below that the prosecuter of Arizona decided not to criminally charge Uber. That is just ridiculous. How in the hell do you not think about all the things that could happen and make sure those cars are programmed correctly?  Especially something as common as jay walking.  Uber also had 2 safety drivers in the car for safety and had recently cut back to one. Uber also deactivated the cars emergency braking system. Why? To save a buck. 

     Uber wants these cars on the road so bad yet they will cut corners whenever they can to save a buck. Who cares if it kills a few people. They will just pay the families off. The safety driver may be charged with vehicular manslaughter but yet Uber gets away with it. I am not saying the safety driver should walk away with no blame but to charge her and let Uber walk? That is some real thick BS. The family did file a Civil Suit and won. However that doesn't do the dead woman any good …


    I read in another article which I will post link below that the prosecuter of Arizona decided not to criminally charge Uber. That is just ridiculous. How in the hell do you not think about all the things that could happen and make sure those cars are programmed correctly?  Especially something as common as jay walking.  Uber also had 2 safety drivers in the car for safety and had recently cut back to one. Uber also deactivated the cars emergency braking system. Why? To save a buck. 

     Uber wants these cars on the road so bad yet they will cut corners whenever they can to save a buck. Who cares if it kills a few people. They will just pay the families off. The safety driver may be charged with vehicular manslaughter but yet Uber gets away with it. I am not saying the safety driver should walk away with no blame but to charge her and let Uber walk? That is some real thick BS. The family did file a Civil Suit and won. However that doesn't do the dead woman any good and the family still had to bury their loved one. 

    Uber and Lyft do what they want. They dont obey any laws. They dont obey court orders.  Uber's not profitable because of the lawsuits, all the BS they are involved in, and they are paying off politicians and anyone else they need in their pocket. Wonder how deep it goes? How else do they get away with everything?

     I really cant understand how people like Dara K can live with themselves knowing they were the cause of deaths, knowing they lie, cheat, and steal from everyone and anyone to get ahead. Collect a huge salary for being evil. I will never step foot in an autonomous car especially if Uber or Lyft has anything to do with it.  Karma will come knocking one day for Dara and his minions just hope I am around to see it. They need to Uber Dara back to where he came from. See link below how Uber is off the hook for the death of the women in Arizona crossing the street.


    One woman lost her life and another woman will pay for it but somehow Uber gets away with it. Two more people Uber screwed.  SMDH  

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I mean come on, everyone jay walks that is such a normal occurence that I am frankly astounded that they did not prepare for this situation.