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Uber and Lyft failed in NY. If CA drivers become employees will it fail there also?

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

Are CA drivers naive to think it will work there? Share your thoughts. Do you want to be an employee or IC? 



    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    How do you judge U/L failing in N.Y.? They're still there, still doing rides and driver's pay has improved because they couldn't buy enough politicians. Will they lose some drivers? Yes, the shouldn't have oversaturated the market as badly as they did. Now we have caps on the driver headcount. Time to wake up from the subsidized fantasy dream both U/L and the passenger were experiencing.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)


    Not naive at all, if things keep going in the direction they're going, you'll be driving for 30 cents a mile. Do the math, minimum wage in CA is $12. If you take minimum wage and get fully reimbursed for each mile you drive as an employee at 58 cents, you'll be making more money than driving for 60/21 base rates.

    Here's the link to my article from last week.


    Show Hide  9 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      They may drive .30 per mile. They take away one nickel I go back to heathcare. Minimum wage in my city is 7.50. Dont take much effort to make that. I am well over that without being an employee. When NY drivers fought for a better wage it didnt work out to well for them.   CA drivers want $X per hr., benefits. They are not just asking for minimum wage. Do they really think Uber & Lyft will happily hand over $17 per hr (whatever it is), health insurance, paid time off, vacation time, etc...Everybody will be happy? No way in hell.  Uber & Lyft may be forced to make CA employees but trust me the drivers will pay for it. They are evil people who lie, cheat, and steal. If that dont work they will just pay off who they have to. They are the most unscrupulous, evil, disgusting corporation on the earth. They didnt get where they are by being stupid and backing down. They sold their mothers souls to the devil way back starting with Travis. Lyft just follows in Uber's shad…


      They may drive .30 per mile. They take away one nickel I go back to heathcare. Minimum wage in my city is 7.50. Dont take much effort to make that. I am well over that without being an employee. When NY drivers fought for a better wage it didnt work out to well for them.   CA drivers want $X per hr., benefits. They are not just asking for minimum wage. Do they really think Uber & Lyft will happily hand over $17 per hr (whatever it is), health insurance, paid time off, vacation time, etc...Everybody will be happy? No way in hell.  Uber & Lyft may be forced to make CA employees but trust me the drivers will pay for it. They are evil people who lie, cheat, and steal. If that dont work they will just pay off who they have to. They are the most unscrupulous, evil, disgusting corporation on the earth. They didnt get where they are by being stupid and backing down. They sold their mothers souls to the devil way back starting with Travis. Lyft just follows in Uber's shadow. They give the market a 2nd choice especially for the people who hate Uber. If someone came out with a new rideshare company tomorrow they could get rid of Lyft in a heartbeat.  All they need is brains, common sense, and the drivers behind them. 1 down 1 to go. In the event Uber is forced to make CA drivers  employees they will make sure you are miserable. They are not going to let the drivers win and hand them everything they want on a silver platter . They will be out for revenge. Health insurance will be $10/15,000.00 deductible copays will be 30%/40%. The drivers portion of the ins premium alone will be costly each month. They are not required to pay 100% of the premium.  Thats even if they let drivers work full time hours. After the law went into effect that companies had to offer health insurance if they employeed X amt of employees and worked 35/40 hrs per week (FT). Many businesses stopped hiring full time employees thanks to Obama. Young people dont know what a 40 hr work week is. Thats why they cant pay their bills, buy cars, and are still home with mom & dad. Uber dont like being pushed around by anyone and especially not by the people they have no respect for, the people they want to replace, the people they steal from every single ride, THE DRIVER.  If CA drivers become employees Dara will want revenge. He will look like a loser, a fool that the lowly drivers beat at his game.  Drivers will be miserable. NY drivers are paying for going after them. They were not asking for half of what CA drivers are. I dont care either way what happens in CA. I just hope the drivers dont live to regret it. Other markets can sit back watch the mistakes that were made, wait for the outcome, and not make those same mistakes. Hopefully by then there will be another company. 

      Think about this, This would all go away if Uber and Lyft increased drivers rates. Drivers started being more vocal, speaking out, striking. Why not throw a bone to drivers keep them happy shut them up?  Instead Uber and Lyft decreased drivers rates, lowered or took away promotions, bonuses, lowered/changed surge pricing. Payback for drivers (the lowest beings on earth in their eyes) speaking out. They have no intention on doing a damn thing for drivers. 

      If I am wrong and Cali gets all that they want. Good healthcare at reasonable price, copay, and deductible, a nice pd vacation, time off,  the almighty minimum wage etc... I'll be the 1st to admit I am wrong. Ill apologize put it up in all caps  right here on guru and FB. Old saying that is very true BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. 

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        {{ ratingSum }}
        1300 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        How long have you been driving? Take away one nickel you go back to healthcare? How many nickels have they taken away from you over the past couple of years, yet you’re still driving. I guess 60 cents a mile is where you draw the line in the sand.

        And the rest of your response is a rant against Uber and how horrible of a company they are. Yet you’re still driving for them. A majority of Uber and Lyft drivers are suffering from Stockholm syndrome, amazing. Why wait for the next shoe to drop? Execute your plan B.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Yes it is a rant against the company they suck. Sometimes in life you have to do things you dont want to do. Who doesnt draw a line?  A point in time where the pay or the job itself isnt worth it anymore.  Even though Uber treats us like crap and rates keep dropping this particular type of work is what I need to do right now. I may not like the people who run Uber but I do like driving, I like 95% of my riders, I have fun most days, I like instant pay, and the flexibility of going on & off the app when I want. I still make it work for me. It still pays the bills & get a nice income tax return. It  allows me to do a few other things on the side to make money.  I have my own private clients. I also picked up a few patients through driving that I do private Home Care for.   However I have a  breaking point just like everyone else. I have health issues. Driving on most days doesnt interfere with those issues. If it does I go home.  I've been …


          Yes it is a rant against the company they suck. Sometimes in life you have to do things you dont want to do. Who doesnt draw a line?  A point in time where the pay or the job itself isnt worth it anymore.  Even though Uber treats us like crap and rates keep dropping this particular type of work is what I need to do right now. I may not like the people who run Uber but I do like driving, I like 95% of my riders, I have fun most days, I like instant pay, and the flexibility of going on & off the app when I want. I still make it work for me. It still pays the bills & get a nice income tax return. It  allows me to do a few other things on the side to make money.  I have my own private clients. I also picked up a few patients through driving that I do private Home Care for.   However I have a  breaking point just like everyone else. I have health issues. Driving on most days doesnt interfere with those issues. If it does I go home.  I've been a single parent of 4 kids, provider for my family even when I was married. Once I threw his ass out he got away with paying less than $5,000 over 18 yrs & owing over 125,000.00 in child support. I did what I had to (worked 2/3 jobs or 20/30 hrs of OT)to take care of my family.   I've worked my ass off since I was 14 yrs old.  I could easily collect disability and sit my ass on a couch & do nothing. However that isn't what I want, not ready to give up yet. I like to work. I would be bored out of my mind if I didnt work. I started Uber when I went back to college 2 yrs ago 1/2 days per wk. Had to drop from the program 2 months before graduation because I got sick. For past year I increased my hours but not more then 25 hrs per week.  Uber was never and still isnt my end game. I am trying to hang until Jan/Feb 2020. Whatever my decision or what I end up doing for a full time job I would still like to keep driving part time. I want no parts of being their employee. Driving for Uber provided me with other business opportunities & more ways to increase my income. It's not always about .69 per mile. It's the loss of the opportunities I get from driving

           I know drivers that have disabilities, drivers with temporary health problems, drivers that need a 2nd job, and single moms that drive.  I want this to continue to work for them. It's not all about me.  It's about this working for groups of people who normally couldnt work or needed flexibility. As a single mom the struggle was real when the kids were young. It still is even though 2 are teens & 2 are adults (they still need their mom:)Tradtional employers dont want to hear the kids are sick, i have to go to court for CS need the day off, the list goes on. 

          Here is "My rant" (short version)it was to make a point "Be careful what you wish for".  Uber will not play nice if forced to make drivers traditional employees. It will not make things any better. Wait and see! Again I'll admit if I am wrong but in this case I am pretty confident. As a  employee we are definately screwed. 

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            {{ ratingSum }}
            1300 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            I read your reply a few times, what you've done is super human, most would have quit on life and the people around them, you haven't, you're a champ.

            However, just like a kid getting bullied at school, sometimes we need to stand up even though we may get beat up. As drivers, we've been getting beat up far too long. I don't care how much worse UBER can make things for part time drivers. According to them, 70% are part time and only last less than 8 months. Part timers are responsible for 30% of the rides on the platform, 30% full timers are responsible for 70% of the rides given. By the time AB5 becomes law in January 2020, UBER will have to replace almost all the drivers on its platform. It's wash, rinse and repeat for them.

            Like I said before, I don't want to be the employee of these shady, unethical companies but drivers need a weapon to get something out of these evil outfits, if AB5 is that weapon so be it.

            The in app notices U/L sent the drivers are nothi…


            I read your reply a few times, what you've done is super human, most would have quit on life and the people around them, you haven't, you're a champ.

            However, just like a kid getting bullied at school, sometimes we need to stand up even though we may get beat up. As drivers, we've been getting beat up far too long. I don't care how much worse UBER can make things for part time drivers. According to them, 70% are part time and only last less than 8 months. Part timers are responsible for 30% of the rides on the platform, 30% full timers are responsible for 70% of the rides given. By the time AB5 becomes law in January 2020, UBER will have to replace almost all the drivers on its platform. It's wash, rinse and repeat for them.

            Like I said before, I don't want to be the employee of these shady, unethical companies but drivers need a weapon to get something out of these evil outfits, if AB5 is that weapon so be it.

            The in app notices U/L sent the drivers are nothing but coercion and scare tactics. I've read the law, all of it, there's nothing in it that will take away your flexibility which is the only leg U/L can stand on and that leg isn't structurally sound.

            They will keep cutting the rates, they will get rid of all the incentives because they depend on desperate people to be their slaves. What's rideshare anyway? Modern day digital slavery.

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              {{ ratingSum }}
              OP 8198 Rider Driver
               5 years ago

              I wasnt crying the blues, bragging, or asking for a compliment or sarcasm (not sure how to take the beginning of your post) as you seem to come at most of my comments I post. I put up a topic or questions to see how other drivers feel. Just because I post something doesnt mean I agree with it or disagree. I do state my opinion as do others and we move on.  I dont have the time to keep going back & forth over same thing. I believe we have had similar discussions on other posts about the same thing. It seems everytime I post it goes into a debate.  I am not trying to be rude nor do I expect you to agree with me at all, ever, but I am not here to debate or defend every single thing I post I dont have the time. When I post my opinion its simply just that. Not trying to change anyones mind about the topic.   It's clear we dont agree on the CA bill. You have your opinions and I have mine. Perfect! Thats what is so great about US freedom of speech.  Thing is I am …


              I wasnt crying the blues, bragging, or asking for a compliment or sarcasm (not sure how to take the beginning of your post) as you seem to come at most of my comments I post. I put up a topic or questions to see how other drivers feel. Just because I post something doesnt mean I agree with it or disagree. I do state my opinion as do others and we move on.  I dont have the time to keep going back & forth over same thing. I believe we have had similar discussions on other posts about the same thing. It seems everytime I post it goes into a debate.  I am not trying to be rude nor do I expect you to agree with me at all, ever, but I am not here to debate or defend every single thing I post I dont have the time. When I post my opinion its simply just that. Not trying to change anyones mind about the topic.   It's clear we dont agree on the CA bill. You have your opinions and I have mine. Perfect! Thats what is so great about US freedom of speech.  Thing is I am not a CA driver so really it's not affecting me directly in any way. May be one day it will but not today. If I wanted to debate or argue I would be on Uber people or FB group. 

              BTW you are missing my point. I know the bill says nothing about flexibility being taken away, hrs you work, etc... What my point was in the past 3 threads & many replies is UBER not the AB5 Bill will take those things away from drivers all because they forced them to make drivers employees. Dara will be furious that drivers forced their hands . Drivers went against them. Drivers won. "Paybacks are a B!!ch" will be their logic. Try this one more time. Dara hates drivers, has no respect for them, cant wait to get those autonomous cars out there. All he had to do is increase drivers rates most likely drivers would've been happy. Instead he decreases them and takes things away. Do you really think if AB5 passes he will be happy with drivers? No damn way. He will find ways to screw drivers even more. He will want payback. This here one paragraph was my point. I never said AB5 said it would change drivers  ability to be flexible. 

               On a side note. Nothing to do with being superhuman (although I am sure that was meant more as sarcasm)its called being a responsible, caring, loving mom. It's the lives of most single moms out there. Failure or giving up not an option. You brought lives into the world. You are responsible for them. Moms do what I do everyday. Our kids love and happiness is our thanks and makes it worth any hard work. If Uber & Lyft were around when my kids were younger my life would've been much easier. For a single mom going on and off that app when you want and having instant pay is a huge benefit. However the rates obviously a problem so would being an employee. 

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                {{ ratingSum }}
                1300 Rider Driver
                 5 years ago

                No debate, no argument, we agree to disagree, that's how civilized society should work unlike Washington. 

                Take a compliment as it's meant to be, no sarcasm, nothing more than a compliment for a hard working person who is in charge of her life and her family.

                I will stop posting on your threads if that's your wish but long winded responses tell me that you like having the last word. So be it. Take care!

                  {{ ratingSum }}
                  OP 8198 Rider Driver
                   5 years ago

                  Hou are free to post whatever, wherever, a d whenever you want:) I just feel like we are always debating over this AB5 bill which doesnt directly affect me. I was just saying that I think Uber will want payback/revenge for going against them. Dara strikes me as that sort of person. I know an employer can let you set your own hours, I know AB 5 dont change that. I am not sure how to take your comments at times. Do you have an email address that you dont mind putting on here? If not email me please [email protected] would like to explain something but not on forum. 

                    {{ ratingSum }}
                    1300 Rider Driver
                     5 years ago

                    I'm an x New Yorker, so east coast mentality, no time for BS, call ot the way I see it. If I'm going to insult you, you'll know, if I'm going to compliment you, you'll know.

                    Text or call me at eightoneeightsixfivezerotwothreethreefour

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      This is what you would exoect when you become an employee.
