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Do you want to be an employee or independent contractor? Do you think Uber & Lyft will pull out of CA if forced to make drivers employees? Would you sign the notices Uber & Lyft sent to CA drivers? Will whatever happens with CA drivers trickle down to the other 49 states? Will this be the end of rideshare as we know it?

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

There is so many post/opinions in rideshare forums, FB groups, articles on internet, etc...  Speculation, hearsay, false info. The list goes on and on. Who do you believe? Who do you trust? I think we can all agree we cant trust Uber and Lyft. Uber & Lyft teamed up together (shocking) & told drivers to sign this letter that they drafted saying drivers dont want to be employess. They claimed they would work with drivers & make things better. Two days ago Lyft sends out a message in multiple markets lowering XL rates. How can you trust either company? If LA drivers were smart they would demand Uber, Lyft, drivers lawyer, drivers, and gov officials all sit down and come to an agreement. You cant trust U & L or the gov. to come to an agreement to benefit the drivers. Whatever happens in CA is going to affect all of us at some point. Things will change but who knows if it will be for the better. 

I dont want to be an employee but the demands by these drivers in CA  seems like if they are met it will make us employees:( If Uber & Lyft would raise rate,  be transparent, fix the ratings & deactivation mess, safety (make riders sign up with valid ID, use real names), go back to 75/25% or 80/20% (depending when you signed up), respect drivers, stop the lying, cheating, and stealing the problems would go away.  In trying to find answers and the latest info because you all know in certain forums drivers can be rude, sarcastic,  really mean, or they claim to know it all. 

 Do you want to know what is going on out in LA, all about the message that Uber and Lyft sent out and how it can effect rideshare and you as a driver. T…


There is so many post/opinions in rideshare forums, FB groups, articles on internet, etc...  Speculation, hearsay, false info. The list goes on and on. Who do you believe? Who do you trust? I think we can all agree we cant trust Uber and Lyft. Uber & Lyft teamed up together (shocking) & told drivers to sign this letter that they drafted saying drivers dont want to be employess. They claimed they would work with drivers & make things better. Two days ago Lyft sends out a message in multiple markets lowering XL rates. How can you trust either company? If LA drivers were smart they would demand Uber, Lyft, drivers lawyer, drivers, and gov officials all sit down and come to an agreement. You cant trust U & L or the gov. to come to an agreement to benefit the drivers. Whatever happens in CA is going to affect all of us at some point. Things will change but who knows if it will be for the better. 

I dont want to be an employee but the demands by these drivers in CA  seems like if they are met it will make us employees:( If Uber & Lyft would raise rate,  be transparent, fix the ratings & deactivation mess, safety (make riders sign up with valid ID, use real names), go back to 75/25% or 80/20% (depending when you signed up), respect drivers, stop the lying, cheating, and stealing the problems would go away.  In trying to find answers and the latest info because you all know in certain forums drivers can be rude, sarcastic,  really mean, or they claim to know it all. 

 Do you want to know what is going on out in LA, all about the message that Uber and Lyft sent out and how it can effect rideshare and you as a driver. Then check out this You Tuber. I find his ideas and the things he is working on to be beneficial for drivers. He has his Tech Team working on a few projects using his time and money to help drivers everywhere. Btw I am not an influencer (like tryp lol) or benefit in anyway by sharing his channel. I just find what he is trying to do will help us drivers. 

1. WWW.rideshareprofessor.com     

   Videos/Live Streams, and you can even call in to speak with him on live streams. He goes by the Rideshare Professor his name is Torsten. Check out his last 5 to 7 videos. You may find his take in the whole thing interesting and informative. You may even be interested on what his plans are.

2. Dustin is Driving        

    You Tube sorry I cant find link or address to his channel

Just thought I would share in case you havent seen thezd guys. Both of them have many subscribers. 

As always we can all share news, issues, thoughts and opinions on ride.guru. This is one of the only forums I found where drivers and passengers share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful way. Mostly everyone can post their opinions or questions and actually have a duscussion without anyone getting rude or obnoxious. We dont all have to agree but we all state our opinions in a decent way:) I've learned new things, tips, ideas from many of you:) All of you are respectful. Hopefully it continues that way for a ling time to come. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    864 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I am a weekender and part-time. I like Uber because I can work minimal hours whenever I want to.  I have a primary job I go to and only drive for Uber when I feel like it.  or need extra cash.

    I think it'd be detrimental if my employer could dictate when and how long I work. That would be it for me.

    Uber will lose most of these "drive when I can" folks. Clear as bell.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    140 Driver
     5 years ago

    I agree with your sentiment that people in this forum tend to stay more professional. I think it’s because people are here for information and they’re driven by curiosity and desire to learn more about Uber. 

    Very different than some other forums where the purpose is purely to grip about their days. Nothing wrong with that, but it starts to eat at your soul, if you know what I’m saying. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Some forums people (drivers) are pretty nasty when answering people. If someone says they made X amt of $ they call them a liar or come up with some negative comments to put them down. Whatever happened to discussing something if you dont agree state your point politely agree to disagree and be done:) We dont all have to agree but still can be respectful:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I value my schedule flexibility.  Being classified as an employee would kill that, and would almost certainly result in me walking away from rideshare.  

    Many proponents of becoming employees only want to see the side that benefits them the most, while ignoring the potential associated pitfalls.  What do these people want?


    1.  Minimum wage.  Yes, a minimum wage may sound like a safety net, but if Uber and Lyft are forced to classify you as  an employee, I can pretty much guarantee that that's EXACTLY what you'll get... the state minimum wage.  In California the minimum wage is $12 /hr, meaning after you lose your job as an independent contractor, and *IF* you're selected for hire, you'll be compensated $12 /hr + mileage (20-25 cents /mile?)  Assuming you average 150 miles per day over a 8 hr shift, you're looking at $12 x 8 hrs = $96 + $30 mileage = $126 per shift.  (Keep in mind also that you won't have the opt…


    I value my schedule flexibility.  Being classified as an employee would kill that, and would almost certainly result in me walking away from rideshare.  

    Many proponents of becoming employees only want to see the side that benefits them the most, while ignoring the potential associated pitfalls.  What do these people want?


    1.  Minimum wage.  Yes, a minimum wage may sound like a safety net, but if Uber and Lyft are forced to classify you as  an employee, I can pretty much guarantee that that's EXACTLY what you'll get... the state minimum wage.  In California the minimum wage is $12 /hr, meaning after you lose your job as an independent contractor, and *IF* you're selected for hire, you'll be compensated $12 /hr + mileage (20-25 cents /mile?)  Assuming you average 150 miles per day over a 8 hr shift, you're looking at $12 x 8 hrs = $96 + $30 mileage = $126 per shift.  (Keep in mind also that you won't have the option of stuff like instant pay anymore, so you'll have to wait two weeks for your paycheck, AND what you receive will probably also be missing 20-30% tax withholding.  Last year a company named ReachNow hired drivers for their service, driving company BMWs, and they only offered $14 /hr in Seattle.  This is no different.

    2.  Benefits.  Unless you're a full time employee, it's doubtful that you'll receive any benefits, and  I can guarantee that the rideshare companies will do everything possible to prevent you from being classified as full time.  What does that mean?  A cap on the number of hours you'll be allowed to schedule.  Expect These companies to limit your hours, i.e. NO BENEFITS FOR YOU.

    3.  Flexibility.  I value my flexibility above all else, and having the freedom to work as many, or as few, hours as I wish is a huge benefit.  I also like that I can work for both Uber and Lyft simultaneously.  If you're an employee of Uber, I can guarantee that you won't be allowed to drive for Lyft, or at least not at the same time.  If you're selected for employment, I'd guess that a NON-COMPETE agreement would be required, because if Uber is paying you, you can't be simultaneously working for their main competitor.  Further, some areas also limit how many hours you're allowed to work.  (40 hr work limit per hour for jobs like truck drivers)  If you're going to be available to work 40 hrs with Uber, you can't afford to work any hours for Lyft without violating the law.  Sorry, once you're committed to one rideshare company, all others are probably off the table.  

    4.  Unions  People talk about unions and collective bargaining if drivers are reclassified as employees. Unions for rideshare, however, won't fare any better than unions for other minimum wage occupations, like McDonalds employee.  No, Uber and Lyft aren't going to pay you $25 /hr + benefits, they'll offer you something like $12 /hr + 25 cents /mile driven, and that's non-negotiable because that's all their margin will cover.  Your pay will NOT exceed the amount of the fares. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Very well stated RedAnt. Couldn't agree with you more. Maybe different cities/states have different laws but here in Philly to receive benefits you have to be a full time employee. Minimum wage is $7.50 per hour. Most employers that are paying minimum wage to 12.00 per hr dont hire full time employees because they dont want to pay benefits like Health Insurance. Uber/Lyft would probably only give drivers part time hrs. That would be their out to pay health insurance. Do these people realize that if they were to offer Health Insurance it would probably be the bare minimum with $5,000.00/$10,000.00 deductibles. Employers are also not required to pay 100% of the premium. There would be a copay towards that premium each month. Do they realize they would have to maintain a 85/90% acceptance rate? Very low cancel rate? You would have to take every crappy ride sent your way. No thank you to all of the above. Making us employees isnt the answer. Really stinks that what these drivers in CA…


      Very well stated RedAnt. Couldn't agree with you more. Maybe different cities/states have different laws but here in Philly to receive benefits you have to be a full time employee. Minimum wage is $7.50 per hour. Most employers that are paying minimum wage to 12.00 per hr dont hire full time employees because they dont want to pay benefits like Health Insurance. Uber/Lyft would probably only give drivers part time hrs. That would be their out to pay health insurance. Do these people realize that if they were to offer Health Insurance it would probably be the bare minimum with $5,000.00/$10,000.00 deductibles. Employers are also not required to pay 100% of the premium. There would be a copay towards that premium each month. Do they realize they would have to maintain a 85/90% acceptance rate? Very low cancel rate? You would have to take every crappy ride sent your way. No thank you to all of the above. Making us employees isnt the answer. Really stinks that what these drivers in CA do may trickle down to every state. I just hope they make the right decision. Most drivers I talk to or see on forums, You Tube videos etc... dont want to be employees. The ones that want all these benefits I dont think they want to be employees. Problem with that you cant have your cake and it eat to. I dont know what they are thinking. Increase the rates, make it safer with valid ID when riders sign up, stop believing every rider out there when they report BS, be more transparent, go back to the 75/80% to the driver. Real simple drivers would be happy and Uber & Lyfts problems go away. Even if they just raised rates nothing else it would probably make drivers happy. Uber and Lyft seem really hell bent on not increasing drivers rates at all no matter what. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I do like driving. If we became employees and they controlled when and where we went on the app, had to accept all trips, I would no longer drive. I like the flexibility, not punching  clock, and picking which rides I want. If that changed they would have to be offering a real big fare increase for me to stay. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    145 Driver
     5 years ago

    Contractor. I got a good thing going. 

    I don’t even know if my other employer would allow me to be employed by another company.