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Uber being Sued by 96,000 Drivers in NY. When will it end? When are they not being suec?

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

Many wonder why Uber isn't profitable. Lets forget about about self driving cars, flying taxi's, submarines, helicopters, low rider fares, the list goes on. If you add up every law suit they settled for drivers and riders curious to know what kind of $ figure they have paid out to date. I am sure there are more law suits to come. 



    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    While I hate Uber I also think this country is way to "sue-happy"

    {{ ratingSum }}
    107 Driver
     5 years ago

    I feel like I never see resolutions from any of these law suits. What happens to them?