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Uber used secret tool named, ‘Greyball’, to sidestep authorities

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135 Rider
 Posted 8 years ago

"Uber Technologies Inc. has for years employed a program that uses data from its ride-hailing app and other tools to evade government officials seeking to identify and block the service’s drivers, according to a person familiar with the matter."



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    2098 Rider
     8 years ago

    When you hear something like this, you think they are smart and super advanced.  Then you remember Uber's NY office people making thousands of fake requests (that were all cancelled minutes later).  How did Lyft know?  All the requests came from Uber office.  LOL.  That was hilarious.

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    222 Rider
     8 years ago

    I'm still waiting for one of the major networks to pick up a reality TV show on Uber...

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    223 Rider
     8 years ago

    According to the NYTimes article on this, Uber served up a fake version of the app, populated with ghost cars, to evade capture. This is the version that many city officials would see, so they technically could not hail cars. I remember reading complaints from people who would say that they saw many cars on their app but none would be available when they reqested a ride...it all makes sense now, they were greyballed.. lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     8 years ago

    Boy it's really piling up on Uber...

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      398 Driver
       8 years ago

      it's a conspiracy.  They've been saving it up. 

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    398 Driver
     8 years ago

    Isn't this what we all use Waze for?  To circumvent police cars with speed traps?  Ahem.