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When do drivers get to see the riders' destinations?

{{ ratingSum }}
122 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 5 months ago

I keep getting confused on this.  I understand that drivers cannot see the destination whent hey initially receive the request.  Now, when do they see it exactly?  I always lose track of this.

Is it when the driver accepts the trip?

...or is it when the driver picks up the rider?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I can't see your destination until you're in my car and I start the ride.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    From Google:


    See Uber & Lyft drivers cannot see you’re destination, until you’re physically IN the car. By then, it’s too late for them to contest. Yes, I know you put in the address early, and the driver “accepted” the ride. You think “Well, he knows where I’m going already, so he must be ok with it.” This is false. Whether you’re going one block away, or 90 miles away, Uber & Lyft prevent drivers from seeing the passenger destination until they confirm you’ve been picked up, and have failed miserably in communicating this to passengers."

    {{ ratingSum }}
    152 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Well, to confuse you farther, Uber started showing your destination to drivers *at the time of the request (before they accept the ride).*  This is a special privilege for drivers with high acceptance rate. (or was it cancellation rate?  I can't remember.)

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      1072 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      It must require a pretty high acceptance rate, because I've never seen it.  (Average 94%+ accept rate)

        {{ ratingSum }}
        152 Driver Driver
         6 years ago

        To be honest, I've never seen one either.  Maybe it's for certain cities. (I'm in NYC.)

        I think maybe it was Chicago or Philly.  Are there IL or PA drivers who can confirm?

        I think the threshold was like 80-85% or something for acceptance rate.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    When driver arrives at your destiantion or clse to it and hits Start trip (on Uber), note drivery sometimes do that before getting exactly to your location so they can see where you are going and some will canclel if not happy with destination.

    On lyft it is when driver hits arrived (so same as above may happen as far as cancelling goes) before a passenegr had a chance to get in the car

    Lyft also has a scheduled rides feature, sort of like a job board that drivers can see I think within 10 miles of driver's location - there it will show pick up, destination, cost and time

    This is how I see it in Philadelphia/NJ market