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Isn't it BS that passengers can't rate the drivers until a trip is complete? This leads to driver scams. Is Uber doing anything about this?

{{ ratingSum }}
141 Rider
 Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

Customers cannot rate them until a ride is complete, meaning that if the trip never starts or a ride is cancelled, they cannot be rated. Drivers take advantage of this to scam their riders. 

  • The driver doesn't want to do the ride for any reason at all? Cancel!  
  • The driver doesn't like your destination?  Cancel!
  • The driver doesn't like your face as he approaches you?  Cancel!

Oh, he wants to still collect a cancellation fee? Sure! Just anger the passenger until he himself cancels! Then you get to collect 70% of a $5 cancellation fee!

This is like a game to them.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    News flash : We are owner operators with no meters or a taxi light . If I want to cancel for whatever reason I will do so but at my expense unless  the passenger has misled me on the pickup point or in a hard to reach location .  Now you can keep your $5 and glue it to your forehead.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    I see you that you didn't give any thought to your comment how could you rate a driver before the trip is completed ????  Why would you want to rate a driver before your trip is completed ???  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       3 years ago

      I didn't get it at first either. But they want to give a driver a poor review or rating if they think the driver canceled the ride at pickup for discriminatory reasons or for other unreasonable reasons or pressured the rider to cancel.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Is your demand to rate a driver based on their driving ability and services rendered, or are you demanding to jeopardize someones job as retribution for making you angry?   

    If a driver hasn't yet picked you up, you can only speculate why they chose to cancel.  Before jumping to conclusions, please stop and consider the following:

    This morning, en route home after dropping off a passenger, I received and accepted a ride request.  The address was showing at some apartments adjacent to my location, the problem is, I was in the left lane of a major interstate, in bumper to bumper traffic, and already past the exit to get to their location.   Uber was telling them I was 1 minute away, and while we could probably have waved at each other from our locations, the only way for me to get there was via 2 miles of north bound bumper to bumper traffic, turning around at the next exit,  then sitting through onramp lights, and then sitting through southbound bumper t…


    Is your demand to rate a driver based on their driving ability and services rendered, or are you demanding to jeopardize someones job as retribution for making you angry?   

    If a driver hasn't yet picked you up, you can only speculate why they chose to cancel.  Before jumping to conclusions, please stop and consider the following:

    This morning, en route home after dropping off a passenger, I received and accepted a ride request.  The address was showing at some apartments adjacent to my location, the problem is, I was in the left lane of a major interstate, in bumper to bumper traffic, and already past the exit to get to their location.   Uber was telling them I was 1 minute away, and while we could probably have waved at each other from our locations, the only way for me to get there was via 2 miles of north bound bumper to bumper traffic, turning around at the next exit,  then sitting through onramp lights, and then sitting through southbound bumper to bumper traffic for another 2 miles.  REAL ETA:  24 minutes  

    Guess what?  I cancelled the ride because I know that there were other drivers that could be there in under 5 minutes.  Was I wrong to do so?  Should he have been allowed to destroy my rating and try to get me fired for cancelling?

    As far as cancelling because of destination, my question would be:  How does the driver know your destination?  We don't know your destination until after you're in the car and the trip started.  If your driver knows your destination, you already have the ability to rate him/her.   Beyond that, I'll say that just because a driver accepted your ride request doesn't mean that they're bound to take you.  Many drivers use destination filters to get to "real jobs" or other engagements.  If I set a filter to only accept rides  going towards my other job and the system assigns me your trip that would take me in the wrong direction and make me late for work, should I not have the opportunity to cancel?  This is called RIDE SHARING.  We allow you to share our ride.  Demands to take you to your destination under penalty isn't sharing, it's extortion.  

    Do drivers cancel because of the way you look, or could other factors be involved?  A few days ago I showed up to pick someone up, but when I arrived, he was standing at a bus stop and the area clearly marked "NO STOPPING."  Two cops stood nearby.  I drove by, motioned the passenger to meet me around the corner where it was safe to stop, and I didn't stop to let him in when he tried to approach the car.  A probable $4 fare isn't worth eating a $250 ticket.  I'm sure the guy cursed at me for driving by.  Surely I must have refused to stop because of how he looked, right?  It couldn't possibly be because he wanted me to break the law and eat a ticket because he was too lazy to walk 20 feet to a proper pickup spot, right?  SMH

    As far as doing this just to scam cancellation fees, I'll say this:  The average driver cut in a cancellation is usually under four bucks.  We're NOT getting rich off of cancel fees, and when figuring in lost time and missed trips, we're actually losing money in such a situation.  Two or three weeks ago I got a ride request at 3:30am.  I headed out, in the cold, dark morning, and drove 3 miles to the pickup location.  After arriving I waited 3 more minutes for the passenger to show up.  Just before the wait timer expired, the passenger cancelled.  I earned a $3.00 cancellation fee for dragging myself out to the car, and driving 3 miles in the cold and rain,  and waiting in the dark.  Tell me, would you do the same for $3    Why or why not?  Quite frankly, I find it offensive that people think all drivers are broke as hell and hard up for a handful of singles.  We're not all like that.  

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    622 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Uber is trying to do some things like paying premium for unwanted or long rides and allowing the driver to jump back into the digital queue at airports if he ride is too short.  They are trying to eliminate reasons drivers want to cherry pick and do unruly things "before" the trip starts. (because that's the real issue)