Why isn't a bicycle delivery a thing? UberRush closed, and Caviar I hear is struggling Why not use bikes rather than cars?
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
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Aren't bicycle couriers still a thing?
I actually have first-hand experience seeing that motorcycle delivery is a rockstar method in Paris and Tokyo. They weave through traffic, double park for a few minutes, and they are awesome. Ramen noodles, pizzas, bread and groceries, you name it.
but that's motorcycle. not bikes.
While bikes are pretty convenient, they don't cover that much ground. They are effective for getting people around, but it incurs time. The time incurred is worth it for most people who are transporting themselves as this saves them money but when you are delivering items this "time" incurs cost, a cost that is too expensive.
No phone charges on bicycles. That's why.
Yeah, I wondered this too. With all the "Uber for Bikes" being rampant right now, I feel like the market is primed to be doing this. They are cheap, can "park" anywhere, and speedy in densely populated cities.
This concept has existed since early 2000s. I think the simple answer is that it doesn't make that much money. I remember they were popping up everywhere with the dot.com craze, as ordering online became much easier.
People thought it was neat but not many people used them. Some did for the novelty. Some did for ordering stupid stuff like a pack of gum. I asked the bikers and they said it's crap how they were delivering handful of things for a few dollars. He said he basically lost on every transaction and the only way he made any money was through tips... Tips from people who felt guilty for ordering gum.
I totally remember that. We had a discussion in business school about this too.
It turns out that people are actually not that lazy to go shopping on foot for daily items and groceries. It also turns out that people are expensive. Riding a bike can solve some transit problems in densely populated areas, but having a dude ride a bike, run up stairs to drop off a few items just does not translate to a profitable business.
Yes, in case you are going to tell me that there are grocery delivery services, I will mention that those companies all currently lose money.