
What To Have In Your Car’s Winter Safety Kit

Posted by: Felicia Dodge Jan 15, 2020
Updated Jan 16, 2020


car winter safety kit

Safety should always be your first priority when you’re behind the wheel. Having a safety kit in any and every car is important all year round, in case of emergency. Winter can bring additional different challenges and dangers, so it is necessary to update your car’s safety kit every time the weather starts to turn chilly.

You can buy premade and prepacked safety kits from automotive stores or places like Walmart, Target, etc. Or you can make your own. Even premade kits won’t come with all the things you should probably keep in your car, just in case. 

  1. Blanket - It’s not for your car, it’s for you. Sometimes you get stuck and have to stay put. Keeping a blanket in the car will help you stay warm if you run out of gas or even if you have to spend the night in your car.

  2. Pillow - This is also just in case you have to bunker down for awhile. It will increase your comfort and also keep you warm.

  3. Tire Chains - These are important in case you get stuck on slick snow or ice. They will help you get traction in slippery situations.

  4. Jumper Cables - Sometimes batteries die and you need them. Sometimes batteries are too cold to start on their own and need a little help from an outside party.

  5. Ice Scraper and/or Snow Brush - You never want to be without one of these in the winter time. Ice and snow can happen out of the blue. You need to have a clear and clean windshield to ensure you have an excellent visual of the road.

  6. Road Flares - When there’s a blizzard, it’s hard to see anything. In case you’re on the side of the road, road flares will cut through the white out conditions so other drivers can see you and avoid you or stop to help. These definitely help increase your visibility during any condition with poor visibility, like rain, night, fog, etc.

  7. First Aid Kit - You don’t ever want to have to use this, but if you do, it’s best to have one.

  8. Cold Weather Clothing - You’ll need to keep a pair of warm boots, a coat, mittens, and a hat in the car. The more layers you have on, the better you’ll stay warm. Cold is the real enemy when you’re stuck. Maintaining your body temperature is critical to staying safe and alive during the winter.

  9. Snacks - Food also helps keep your metabolism going. Keep snacks that won’t go bad in your car that have high amounts of protein and carbs. They will help keep your body going if you’re stuck for longer periods of time.

And finally, make sure your can maintenance is up to date! To avoid breaking down in the winter time, make sure your vehicle has been taken care of by checking tire pressures, oil levels, antifreeze, lights, radiator, hoses, brakes, wipers, battery, and the heater. Accidents can’t be avoided, but you can make sure your car is in tip-top shape before venturing out!

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