Gemma Hollingsworth (Ghollingsworth)
Ride Apprentice from Boston
Rolling through life on my terms
51 RiderGrad student, Ph.D student, traveler, lover, friend, occasional Uber rider, opinionated. All views are mine.
Posts by Ghollingsworth
Moved is now "Financing" you move? Is this even possible?
Moved.com is now offering a "Move now pay later" option.... I do not know any human being who will "Finance" … -
Phlatbed is THE app for quickly Delivering Furniture on-demand
Spring is around the corner. Time to move out of my grad school apartment....without BF help, he's traveling of course. … -
Uber or Lyft for moving furniture?
While this is up to the Driver, there are other options available. These are on-demand apps. As I move alot …
Nice, this had me cracking up.....sooo true!
Good post!
Phlatbed is definitely in Philly
I think many industries are going to end up going this route. Time is much more valuable now than ever. I even had a parking spot, and laundry done on demand......
Well said....I know this very well from first hand experience.
Same here, it's interesting how quickly I make purchasing decisions now knowing the items will be there by the time I get home from work. I think this will surely expand into more areas this year. 2019 will definitely be the year for on-demand.
Used it many times, BF also signed up as a Driver on Phlatbed. Fewer jobs but he makes alot more on one Phlatbed job for every 5 Uber jobs. Then again you need to know how to balance your time.
Honest and funny at the same time!
That's a legal minefield! Too much exposure.
Wouldn't that be a legal / gender discrimination issue? I mean....if my BF needed a ride and he specifically wanted a male driver (especially with the current #metoo stuff going on, I'm sure female drivers would be up in arms over gender discrimination. Wouldn't that apply vice versa?
BF in construction...still is, now a Phlatbed driver.
Mine had handcuffs hanging from his rear view mirror!! 😏
What's HD if you don't mind me asking?
These services are more or less like Lyft...especially for quick items. I can't speak for whole house type of moves (large ones), but from experience they are fast, cheap and easy.
From a driver perspective, my BF drives for Phlatbed and he pretty much dictates the price he'll charge for moving anything. He also factors in his cost....I think phlatbed takes 24% or something like that, so he just tags that on and he know exactly how much he'll make per run. His jobs usually go for 1 - 2 hours max, and he's got access to a van, and charges between $120 and $300 per job. Especially living in the NYC area, a couple of hours 3 - 4 times per week, mostly on the weekends. It's been good so far.
The uber for moving apps seem to be taking off....thanks for the long overdue update.
I second...
You should use Phlatbed, on-demand moving app, cheap, quick, easy. Basically Uber for moving. First time use you might need to familiarize yourself with it. Been using it and it's delivered everytime. I just used it at IKEA in New Haven Connecticut to move a Malm chest.
It's been great so far. No Uber driver is going to fir a couch, chair, or table in their car. Uber drivers usually don't appreciate your large items. It's very rare to find an Uber or Lyft driver willing to help move your stuff....let alone junk removal. UberXL drivers are no different, it's about their vehicles, condition etc. If you look at how much an Uber / UberXL driver nets, then you have to ask yourself if $10/hr is worth moving your chesterfield couch for.
I'm a regular Uber rider and trust me, I'd rather Phlatbed since that's the Apps sole focus....moving stuff when you need it on-demand.
Used phlatbed today......super easy! Thanks for the referral! One job because two.....moved a few items, and had the driver get rid of some junk. all for under $120!
not bad!
My thoughts precisely!