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Is there really a driver movement so they can see customer profile info before accepting? What's the argument? [updated]

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 6 years, 5 months ago

I do understand the part about how the drivers want to see rider destinations for gauging the ride distance, either for making more money or planning out their day. However, I heard there is more to this movement. Does anyone know more about this?

Updated the title. Apparently, it's people's profile information that drivers are not happy about. Original question: Is there really a driver movement so they can see destinations before accepting? What's the argument?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    622 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I am glad you updated the question.  The seeing (or not seeing) destinations is a pretty widely discussed topic. There are drivers who argue that they cannot see the rider information like names, gender, exact pickup locations, etc..

    In my personal opinion, I think this is a slippery slope.  This information the drivers are asking for can be used to discriminate against the ridership. While they may argue that they can choose what clients to pickup, it shouldn't be based on race, gender, age, etc.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    457 Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Not sure if this is a formal movement, but I have heard vocal groups of rideshare drivers discussing this.  

    At high level, they are against the illusion of transparency and flexible work schedule that Uber promotes. They feel that as independent workers, they should be able to see the rides they are accepting and decide where to work and what riders to pick up.

    They also feel unfair where the riders can see a lot about them but the drivers cannot. For example, riders can see the gender and race of the drivers, but the drivers cannot. If riders can discriminate why can't the drivers?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    "is there really a driver movement so they can see custmer profile info before accepting? what is the argument?"

    Could not say about a movement, but I would really appreciate it if

    1) the rider's face was on the account and visible so I could make sure the person who ordered the ride is the same as the one getting in the car... or who to look for.  Perhaps they could take a selfie even... 

    2) at the very least - the phone numbers were current... so I could reach them if needed.   It has been said that it is impossible to change the phone number on an account.  I do not know if that is true or not.

    Not too concerned about any other profile information.  Also who has time to read it before accepting?  Just about everyone gets a ride.     I would just want accountability and more clear communications.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    As things currently stand, we see nothing except a user name and rating in order to gauge whether to pick you up.  Further, we're penalized if we don't pick people up.  Tell me, if you were driving and someone with the username "Parolee135" with a low rating wants a ride, wouldn't you want more information before allowing them inside your car?  As a woman driver, this can be a HUGE security issue and should be considered if Uber/Lyft want us to pick up people who could be un-screened violent criminals. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago


      on Lyft in PA I see name, rating, distance to pick up, ride type (shared, regular, etc) and whether it is a long ride. So at this time we can make decision as to whether accept their request or not

      After I hit accept I can no longer check the rating of passenger 

      this is really enough info to make an informed decision as to accept or not in my opinion.

      at times I may get a request while on highway passing by exit, request looks close but once I hit Navigate (to get the passenger) I already blew by the exit ramp and arrival now becomes 8 miles and 16 minutes. This is where I would go in and cancell in the passenger with reason being “too far”

      i rarely cancel after accepting a request but there are occasions that warrant it, such as the one i described above.

      on Uber in PA I see rating, distance to pick up, ride type (pool, regular, etc) and whether it is a long ride. So at this time I do not see the passenger name probably to reduce discrimination by name. At…



      on Lyft in PA I see name, rating, distance to pick up, ride type (shared, regular, etc) and whether it is a long ride. So at this time we can make decision as to whether accept their request or not

      After I hit accept I can no longer check the rating of passenger 

      this is really enough info to make an informed decision as to accept or not in my opinion.

      at times I may get a request while on highway passing by exit, request looks close but once I hit Navigate (to get the passenger) I already blew by the exit ramp and arrival now becomes 8 miles and 16 minutes. This is where I would go in and cancell in the passenger with reason being “too far”

      i rarely cancel after accepting a request but there are occasions that warrant it, such as the one i described above.

      on Uber in PA I see rating, distance to pick up, ride type (pool, regular, etc) and whether it is a long ride. So at this time I do not see the passenger name probably to reduce discrimination by name. At this time I can make decision as to whether accept their request or not. Once I accept  I will be told the passenger name.

      Again if I have to cancell I will but also rately do since enough info is available in initial request screen to make a decision if I want the ride.

      REDAnt, how are drivers penalized for not picking up passengers. Are you speaking of acceptance rate or cancellation rate?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I get drivers wanting rider destination but it seems likely that many drivers will discriminate based on ride length. If people have a hard time getting drivers to pick them up for short rides or undesirable rides, those riders are going to go to another platform instead and Uber will lose a chunk of its user base.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Short rides are a lose lose situation for drivers. Nothing worse than driving 10 min. to pick up a passenger that needs to be dropped off at supermarket .5 to .75 mile away. The amount we get paid for these short rides are less than a taxi gets just to start the meter. It's 1.00 more than a bus trip. They should add a short trip fee, up the minimum fare fee, or passengers should tip. I order an Uber a few times a week for my daughter in law $10.89, 8 min 3.8 miles. I dont have to tip a dime, that driver dont see me or know who I am. It's not me who gets in and out of car why should I care?  It's basic human decency.  You tip cab drivers, waitress, bar tender etc... Why not an Uber/Lyft driver? Drivers get my daughter in law from point a to point b safely in a clean car. I schedule it its on time what more can you ask for? Thats why I tip. Decent service = Decent tip. If I cant afford the tip I get my ass up and drive her (I drive nights)myself. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago

      True, many part time drivers will only look for long trips, but full time drivers will only want short rides as they try to get the bonus at the end of the week and completing pool rides where each add on passenger is counted as a ride will benefit them to get to their goal. So it depende on what type of driver is out there.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Too much USELESS info because I for one am not interested  in whom you choose to swap spit with and what your waist is. What I do want to see in advance is your destination and your rating so as a 1099 operator I can decide whether or not I want you .

    {{ ratingSum }}
    51 Rider
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    On Phlatbed I can see my driver profile before accepting. They can also see my profile a the customer. Then again Phlatbed is for moving stuff on-demand, not for moving people.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    668 Driver
     6 years ago

    Uber and Lyft started offering this to selected drivers in selected markets. Some drivers with good history gets to see the destination for the reasons you gave.

    The whole reason it is hidden is so the drivers don't cherrypick their rides.  Cherrypicking is bad because certain riders will not be assigned to drivers. This was a big issue with taxis and I believe it is even illegal. Imagine when a rider wants to go to certain areas, say an area that are high in crime or places that are difficult to get to due to traffic. Sure, some drivers will still accept, but this additional confusion had to be discouraged to avoid massive confusion. (In Boston, taxicabs hate going to East Boston or parts of Southie. East Boston requires toll to get back, and Southie has rough areas.)

    While Uber and Lyft aren't mandated by city reguations, they are sensitive to this. The motivation may be more to do with customer service and for increased ridership.

    In any case, some Uber drivers are given this elevated status if their acceptance rate is good, i.e. no prior cherrypicking.