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Posts by KumarBengi
Can I drive a Tesla 3 as an Uber?
Is it true that Uber will give you preferential treatment (i.e. more rides) if you rent the car from Uber?
Russian Uber is Yandex.
I didn't eve know this until I was reading about this morning's news on Uber and Grab. This happened in … -
Is it true that Lyft drivers are paid while waiting for passenger to come out and get in the door?
This is what I have heard, but I have never seen this on my invoice. Though, maybe it's simply included …
or they felt guilty screwing people in wheelchairs
and they know to pay Mexican drivers less. That's just the Uber way.
You can protect yourself by opening the window once you get into the car. The driver must allow you to do this. As BenRosen states, this apparently is the guideline for the riders too.
Now, once it gets super cold, I don't know what we do.
are you asking if how much they make, on average, in an hour?
So pretty much any job and add the word, "online" in front of it.
The question is how they lost the money. Was it due to the investments in R&D and expansion? Or is it because their pricing just simply doesn’t support the economics.
If it’s the latter, this industry is doomed. Or at the least they need to jack up the price
What? Where are taxis cheaper than Uber or Lyft? I’ve never heard of that happening.
Or perhaps in some cities, maybe the new ones, Uber and Lyft are raising prices. They already won the battle. It’s times to claim their prize by jacking up prices to anything they want to.
I was going to make fun of how it’s still a lot of money, but isn’t this the same valuation as a few years ago when SoftBank invested in them like a $1B?
“It also suggests Uber knew fake drivers were preying on women but did nothing to warn customers.”
I agree fake drivers can be anybody. It’s literally people Uber doesn’t know. Complete strangers. How can they be responsible for them?
yes, like half the country. minus 3 mil.
In some countries you can pay cash for UberX. I don’t think you can in US, but maybe there are exceptions.
You’d be surprised whom you get hitched up with.
Also, remember, it can make multiple stops. You and someone else can be picked up at BWI and then have two drop-offs. That’s still considered as a pool. (And you only pay for your portion of the trip.)
Or you get picked up at BWI and then someone else be picked up elsewhere. The you can make one or two drops.
Ah, gotcha. I think as is true with any government entities, they will take forever to implement
I didn’t know they are having second thoughts. What do you mean they’re sitting on the fence? Did they delay their decision?
What I remember is that they proposed this dynamic rule on how the fares be calculated that has various factors like number of drivers and rides that are given out and to pay drivers by the hour where the floor is predetermined.
We probably don't havet he whole truth here as I have a feeling this guy simply "simply wanted to drop a petition and leave." After the fact, of course he would say that.
Wasn't there another service that does this. Like Octopus and VuGo or something. Free for drivers but they advertise on the car.
wait, what? what's the big deal.
Maybe the news is that this is NZ and not AU.
It's a test ground for moving into Western countries. London and US are next!
If this happened, all female drivers would be busy 100% of the time. Not saying hats wrong, but if they implemented surge on UberFemale, those female drivers would cost 10x at all times.
Yeah, discrimination wil be an issue. You are discriminating against male drivers on how more work goes to females and against female riders who may need to pay more or have the service be more scarce.
The answer is yes... However, when you put it that way... yeah, that's kinda bullsh*t. I'd be mad too.
but that's compared to the announced arrival time. I don't think it's common for the driver to show up sooner than the GPS's expected time.
I know nothing about this subject matter, but so I guess this comes down to your account status or payment method? DId you check those?