Early next month AB5 will be voted on in the CA Senate.
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Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
Early next month AB5 will be voted on in the CA Senate.
Call me optimistic but I strongly think this is going to pass and Uber and Lyft will be struggling to figure out there new strategy.
Take it to the bank, it will pass. What U/L do after that tying up in courts os a different story.
What is this exactly? They are all driving to the AB5 meeting or?
Yes, in support of AB5, the big one is next week in Sacramento when the Bill will go through the CA Senate
Haha this looks pretty fun. You joining?
I will be there to cover it for RSG.