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"A Side Hustle for Your Side Hustle" - Apps that help drivers find the best rides. [Angel List]

{{ ratingSum }}
2098 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago

Saw this neat list on an article called, "Uberpreneurs have arrived."  I thought it was worth sharing.  Oh, look, Harry is on there.

Apps that help drivers find the best rides

To maximize earnings, drivers must constantly race to parts of the city where they guess the highest paid rides will appear, thanks to in-app surge fares, local events, and the natural flow of the city's population. Most drivers also use multiple ride-sharing services, bouncing between apps in search of the highest fares. It's time-consuming and dangerous, especially while driving.

“Drivers get into this gig looking to make a few hundred bucks a week, but soon realize they have to worry about things like diversifying their income and competition among drivers.” – Harry Campbell, The Rideshare Guy



    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I prefer Maxymo over Mystro, it is way cheaper as well, switches faster and doesn't seem to glitch as often. It is also more flexible and I can change my filters without going offline first.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      269 Driver
       6 years ago

      I hadn't even heard of Maxymo before.  I will try it out.  

      ...though do they not have an iPhone app.  I just see Android..