They still have a long way to go to catch Uber though. Uber had 78 million rides in December and Lyft had 18.7 million during that same period.
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Wanderlust and Sunshine are all I need :)
They still have a long way to go to catch Uber though. Uber had 78 million rides in December and Lyft had 18.7 million during that same period.
This is great to read. Frankly I keep wondering how they stay alive in the face of Uber, but they're like the little engine that could. Keep it up, Lyft!
Wow! Certainly a long way to go to catch Uber but this is great news for the idea of maintaining some "competiton" within this industry.
pretty impressive
They have been pouring marketing dollars in promoting riders. Slightly different approach than Uber who continues to invest dollars in grabbing drivers.
I have never driven for Lyft. No luxury option.
Lyft is a fighter!