This is a serious questio....
I don't use either one but just when need? I have transportation but unable to use it at this time. And just move. So trying to get a feel of what is accept and what is not accept?
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Open minded, friendly
This is a serious questio....
I don't use either one but just when need? I have transportation but unable to use it at this time. And just move. So trying to get a feel of what is accept and what is not accept?
Yes. Have a few passengers that do it. They pack dirty laundry in trash bags. No smell and doesn't fall all over car.
Launch your own laundry app business with our readymade, white-label clone app solutions. Our team of experts works towards developing an app that is scalable, giving your app business a competitive advantage. We specialize in Uber for laundry app development and has served a large number of customers from the laundry business.
Sure, why not? I would be happy to take you either way.
Yes, not a problem, just pack the dirty laundry in a way they do not fall out all over the truck
Thank you appreciate your answer.