Can I use two Uber promo codes at once?
The Guru Take
Unfortunately, no. Uber does not allow you to use two promotion codes on one ride. If you really want to use both promotion codes, you can always take two Ubers to your destination. Take one Uber halfway and then get out and take another Uber the rest of the way. This would allow you to use 2 free ride coupons instead of paying for the extra part of the journey over your free ride amount. Of course, doing this is a bit of a pain but if you are on a tight budget it is a good trick!

RideGuru market data & operations expert
Here is a code you can use

Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
Considering that the credit is only $5, I totally get it. It's pretty much nothing.
Hell's no. no double coupon. why would you even think that'd work.