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Promo Codes for Sale on eBay! Get Yours NOW!! LOL [from UberMan]

{{ ratingSum }}
1202 Rider Driver Guru
 Posted 8 years ago


"Yes, what you are seeing is legit. Someone...is selling...their Lyft referral code on eBay...for 99 cents. What's even better... is that they have sold TWO of the referral codes already!"



    {{ ratingSum }}
    2098 Rider
     8 years ago

    Actually, isn't this a good deal?  I think the current promotion is $15 for free rides, so if this guy is really offering $0.99 for the $50 code, it's totally worth it!

    Right?  and I may just pay $0.99 and find out.  though I probably am not entitled for it, as I am not a new user.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1149 Rider
       8 years ago

      why take lyft if you can take uber

      {{ ratingSum }}
      560 Driver
       8 years ago

      I second that.  It would be a great deal.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    398 Driver
     8 years ago

    There are lots of people who holds shopping as a hobby.  $0.99 won't bacnkrupt anyone.  people jsut carelessly spend $0.99 on ebay all the time.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 1202 Rider Driver Guru
     8 years ago

    LOL.  It's all about the representation.  You can set a value on anything.