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Can Uber drivers enter private and gated communities?

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3460 Rider Driver Driver
 Posted 7 years, 4 months ago

The Guru Take


    {{ ratingSum }}
    246 Driver Driver
     7 years ago

    I have sour memories about this.  I've had people request my ride from gated communities and military bases, where I wouldn't be able to get in.  So I would park and call/text.  Then they say, "well, if you can't get here, I don't want the ride."  

    Then I disgruntly tell them they can go ahead and cancel.  then they reply back, "No, then I'd be charged the cancellation fees.  You cancel."

    People are a-holes.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    How can we advise drivers of this fact? My senior mother just ordered an Uber from her gated community - received an alert that her driver was approaching and a second alert had he could not get in and drive away. Had he just called her she would have buzzed him in. She is too frail to walk to the entrance especially in the hot Arizona heat but I see nowhere in her profile to provide instructions.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1202 Rider Driver Guru
       6 years ago

      Thanks for the tip, Elana. I agree wit your comment and I updated the answer to emphasize the need for sending the driver the instructions.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    189 Driver
     6 years ago

    Is it too much to ask for the pax to come out to the outside of the gate?  I am just saying if it's that strict,  you know?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    622 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I've had pax give me pin codes to get passed the gate.  You can always ask for that.