Do Uber and Lyft travel between Tyringham MA and Dalton MA for AT hikers
The Guru Take
The Guru Take
According to our fare calculator both Uber and Lyft do operate in those areas. However, as this is a more rural area there may be few drivers available causing you to either run into a scenario where there is no drivers available when you need one or having to pay a little extra for a "long distance pick up fee" (where a far away driver charges metered rates to travel to your pick up location).
Heavily depends on time of day. Try checking on your Uber App beforehand
The availbilty of drivers heavily depends on when you are requesting the ride, i.e. what time and what day of the week.
If you are still planning the trip, you can use your Uber app and enter your two locations. I suggest that you do this a week in advance, at the time you are planning to request a ride, and see if there are any cars available.
On the day of the travel, you may want to have a local taxi phone number handy!
Footnote: I actually just checked on my Uber app, and while the options exist, i.e. UberX, I don't see any cars in the area at the time. (Then again, it's 11PM on a Thursday night.)
Believe it or not, Western Mass actually has significant number of drivers. Many says it's oversaturated. Springfield, MA is full of Ubers and Lyft drivers.