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Drivers, have you gone out of your way for a rider that paid off? Cash, gift, etc...Please share your stories.

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago

The other night I get pinged on Uber 4 min away at Train Station for Angela.  Usually an Airport ride at that time. I pull up & the TS is deserted except for 1 guy. I ask if he is waiting for Uber & he replies yes so I ask the name its not him. So I wait a min still no one but the guy waiting gets picked up by his Uber. Now no one is around. I text my rider. She responds "ok, he said he is there". There is not a soul around so I call her. I am not familiar with this TS but see there is another parking lot. I head there but the road connecting the 2 lots is closed. Cant GPS it cause I dont know what the name of road is. I figure it out get there and there are 4 different lots. We are at cancellation time at this point. I call my rider back and she says he says he is there. I continue to ride around.  Now we are at 10 min I am getting frustrated but I know if I cancel the next driver will probably do the same. I again call the woman back. She conferences in rider this time.  For whatever reason rider decides to stand in the middle of the street instead of the TS. Its where I originally pulled in from  must have just missed each other. Finally after 12 min of searching the deserted TS I find him. He was so happy and thankful. We had an hours drive ahead of us. He was coming from NY & asked ticket taker to wake him at Newark TS along with 2 other riders. Guy never woke any of them. They all ended up in Princeton NJ. We had a great conversation and lots of laughs. Get to Turnpike at tolls he offers to pay which I explain is in his fare. He insists in paying anyway and hands me a 35.00 tip. Ended up with a 46.77 fare, 4.35 extra on tol…


The other night I get pinged on Uber 4 min away at Train Station for Angela.  Usually an Airport ride at that time. I pull up & the TS is deserted except for 1 guy. I ask if he is waiting for Uber & he replies yes so I ask the name its not him. So I wait a min still no one but the guy waiting gets picked up by his Uber. Now no one is around. I text my rider. She responds "ok, he said he is there". There is not a soul around so I call her. I am not familiar with this TS but see there is another parking lot. I head there but the road connecting the 2 lots is closed. Cant GPS it cause I dont know what the name of road is. I figure it out get there and there are 4 different lots. We are at cancellation time at this point. I call my rider back and she says he says he is there. I continue to ride around.  Now we are at 10 min I am getting frustrated but I know if I cancel the next driver will probably do the same. I again call the woman back. She conferences in rider this time.  For whatever reason rider decides to stand in the middle of the street instead of the TS. Its where I originally pulled in from  must have just missed each other. Finally after 12 min of searching the deserted TS I find him. He was so happy and thankful. We had an hours drive ahead of us. He was coming from NY & asked ticket taker to wake him at Newark TS along with 2 other riders. Guy never woke any of them. They all ended up in Princeton NJ. We had a great conversation and lots of laughs. Get to Turnpike at tolls he offers to pay which I explain is in his fare. He insists in paying anyway and hands me a 35.00 tip. Ended up with a 46.77 fare, 4.35 extra on toll, 35.00 tip. Another Uber may have same problems I did as the person ordering wasnt the person I was picking up & he wasnt where the app said he was. It was late, dark, creepy deserted TS possibly another female driver would get the trip and say the hell with it and cancel. I didnt want to leave him stuck in that situation with no one around at that time of morning. To think I would've cancelled & received 3.35 instead I got 86.12. Got my rider home safely and had a good time doing it. Got to be part of his instagram story lol. It doesnt always pay off but when it does its nice to be appreciated. I've had other times that I did extra for riders & they have tipped well & I have went above & beyond & didnt even get a thank you from others.  You never know so take that chance once in awhile. That one time may pay off. Btw I didnt do it for a tip (as you know there are no gurantees with tips) as I said it was dark, deserted, and creepy. I was happy just getting him home safely, a fun ride, and meeting a very nice man in the process. 

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