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Eating lunch with driver

{{ ratingSum }}
17 Driver
 Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

My boyfriend took a driver out to lunch. Also she waited for him when he had an hours long appointment. Is this allowed?  I have more concerns about this person, but first things first.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Thats 2 threads now on Uber drivers possibly cheating on their significant others with riders. WTH is going on:) That is the last thing I am thinking of when driving. Dating, screwing, whatever with my rider. Must be a man thing:) lol Not trying to offend. Lol

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       4 years ago

      Really! Is driving for Uber the new cheaters disguise?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         4 years ago

        It seams like it. The other one her husband leaves for 5 days out of the week to travel to a "busier city" is what he tells his wife. His wife sees his car sitting at a house for hours and hours. According to some Rideshare FB groups & forums guys get offers all the time. Some of the stories these guys tell sounds like they are dreaming. I have been invited into peoples homes and to go to bars with others. I get hit on by 21+ yr old young men. I am 54 I assume they are drunk, its dark, and they only see me from the back as I am old enough to be their mom or grandmom lol. Thats what I usually tell them and they back off but there are a few that persisted. Its really strange IMO to use Uber as a driver or rider as a dating service. Uber is getting into everything surprised they havent added Uber dating service. Hook up with your rider or hook up with your driver especially ines that all reafy have a significant other. Lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Hate to say it but you may want to ask your bf some pointed questions about this incident...

    {{ ratingSum }}
    205 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    "lunch", is that what they are calling it these days?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    It is allowed, we're IC, can do what we want with our time but it's not good business since UBER pay for time is miniscule. Especially waiting for an hour is not normal.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    I mean it is allowed but is it sketchy? YES! Why on earth would your BF take a random Uber driver out to lunch? I would ask some questions, sorry.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Driver can do what they want. In my market had i stayed on the app I would've made $10.35. Hardky enough to get me to sit for an hour even if he was buying lunch. Was it a long ride over 45 min? If so then msybe the driver figured she would make $ on the way back rather then head back empty. The only way I would've waited was if I stayed on the app made the $10.35 and the ride was a 45+ there and a 45+ back. Also knowing that I probably wouldnt of got a ride back wouldve made it more worth wait. Last thing is I would've opted for a tip verses the lunch if that was a choice. Is the BF nice looking? Since you are dating him I assume you will say yes.  Do you trust him? How old is he? How old was the driver? Having lunch with my rider them paying for it (even though I had to wait) would've been awkward IMO. I've had some good rides where I had fun, great conversation, etc... with a rider but having lunch with them little strange. I've been asked out for drink…


    Driver can do what they want. In my market had i stayed on the app I would've made $10.35. Hardky enough to get me to sit for an hour even if he was buying lunch. Was it a long ride over 45 min? If so then msybe the driver figured she would make $ on the way back rather then head back empty. The only way I would've waited was if I stayed on the app made the $10.35 and the ride was a 45+ there and a 45+ back. Also knowing that I probably wouldnt of got a ride back wouldve made it more worth wait. Last thing is I would've opted for a tip verses the lunch if that was a choice. Is the BF nice looking? Since you are dating him I assume you will say yes.  Do you trust him? How old is he? How old was the driver? Having lunch with my rider them paying for it (even though I had to wait) would've been awkward IMO. I've had some good rides where I had fun, great conversation, etc... with a rider but having lunch with them little strange. I've been asked out for drinks in an airport when dropping off my rider,  asked to come in their house for drinks, and my favorite asked in house by 2 females & a male for  shots, smoke some weed, and snort some adderal:) Of course I declined not my idea of fun. Maybe its just me as I am 54 yrs old but no way am I going anywhere with my rider. His driver was a female sounds like she was up for more if it was an option. Maybe not right then but at a later time. I know there are drivers that will go out with their riders or have a drink. I see you have a concern and I think its justified. Unless you totally can trust your bf. How long were they out for lunch? The big question was it a 45+ min ride? If so that can explain things bettter. I woukd more understand why she waited. Look at his app driver pic will still be in it. Maybe that can help. Curious now:) Although I hope you can trust him and she was just hoping for a good $ tip for the wait. If you have any other questions would be happy to answer if it helps you sort through this. If he was cheating or thst were his intentions you deserve a better man. Best if luck. Hopefully my suspicions and I am assuming yours are wrong on this. Best of luck. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 17 Driver
       4 years ago  (edited 4 years ago)

      Well we lived together somewhat. I had some belongings at his house. My father got sick with cancer and I basically went to his house to be with him and be near him while he was in the hospital. Sadly he passed away. Since this has been recent, I went to my BF's house and noticed her name on his phone. He claimed that she was an old lady married with kids. I asked him to clarify since he tried to hide it from me. He would not. He said that he pays her cash for rides. FFWD a week. I go to his house and I see an SUV parked in front of his house with Uber and Lyft on the back window but the car is empty. I walk in and there she is, in his kitchen in his fridge. I asked him who she outside of his house  and he gave me a name and said it's his personal assistant. I went inside and asked her who she is. She told me her name, which is the same name that I saw on his phone. Another time while I was at his house I noticed her car drive by, I went outside and she dropped him off ar…


      Well we lived together somewhat. I had some belongings at his house. My father got sick with cancer and I basically went to his house to be with him and be near him while he was in the hospital. Sadly he passed away. Since this has been recent, I went to my BF's house and noticed her name on his phone. He claimed that she was an old lady married with kids. I asked him to clarify since he tried to hide it from me. He would not. He said that he pays her cash for rides. FFWD a week. I go to his house and I see an SUV parked in front of his house with Uber and Lyft on the back window but the car is empty. I walk in and there she is, in his kitchen in his fridge. I asked him who she outside of his house  and he gave me a name and said it's his personal assistant. I went inside and asked her who she is. She told me her name, which is the same name that I saw on his phone. Another time while I was at his house I noticed her car drive by, I went outside and she dropped him off around the corner. I admit I chewed her out as well as him. He does have a bad back injury from work. I have been driving him to Dr. appointments for nearly 4 years. Also, I was driving to his house almost there and he's in her car and she had the biggest grin and we drove by going opposite directions. Last week she bought him a Christmas tree. He insists nothing is going on. Very unprofessional in my opinion.She is not married or old....about the same age as us.... Yes attractive. He has a nice house and money. She has kids.

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        {{ ratingSum }}
        50 Rider
         4 years ago

        Im so sorry - I have to agree with Momof4. This guy is blatantly cheating on you! Leave his sorry ass, it is not worth the trouble.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         4 years ago

        Sorry about the loss of your father. You dont know me and I hope you will not take offense. He is taking advantage of you during a very difficult time in your life. He knows this. He feels you will not leave him and believe the lies he tells you. He is blantantly lying to you. You can do so much better and you deserve so much better. I know it can be difficult as you have been with him for awhile but dont waste anymore of your life on him. He is a disgusting human being doing this knowing what you have been through. SMDH There are better more honest men out there that wouldn't take advantage of you. He lies and cheats. He is so not worth it.  I wish you all the best and hope you find someone that treats you the way you deserve to be treated. I would rhank her for taking him off your hands. He will be her problem now. In the end he will do the same to her. Take care.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 17 Driver
           4 years ago

          He claims that he has no control who picks him up. 

            {{ ratingSum }}
            54 Rider Driver
             4 years ago

            Unless the driver pulls up to rider then the rider request a ride. Chances are they will be paired.