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If a driver uses Uber as a rider do you tip the driver or do you feel driver shouldn't expect tip as a courtesy?

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 4 months ago

I have taken one Uber ride. Driver was pleasant, car clean etc... If I absolutely had to find a negative about the trip it would be communication was a little difficult as his English (speaking & understanding) was limited. He passed my drop off so I just asked him to pull over and jumped out on corner (thought it would be easier & safer because of road we were on then to explain he passed stop).  To me neither of these things were reason not to tip or give 5 stars. Of course I tipped him. In fact felt the need to tip well as we all know tips make a difference & help with our income. For me not to tip a driver it would have to be a terrible unsafe ride with a filthy car and bad odor.  I know many people in service industry that tip and tip well because they get what its like.  I have had 7 riders over past few months who claim to also be Uber drivers.  They were pretty knowledgeable so I assume they were truthful. Only one has tipped.  On all these rides there was pleasant conversation sharing driving tips and general conversation about driving. Car clean, no bad odor, no navagation errors, no pick up or drop off issues. One of trips (although not a good idea)  I had to go out of my way to pick him up as he was broke down on an on ramp to I95 with destination to Camden (a crime ridden area in NJ). Not an area I would pick up from for trip back.  Am I wrong to think that these riders/drivers should have tipped. Interested to hear if you do not agree and why? Please share.



    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Story of a specific rider/driver from the weekend that made me want to here other drivers opinions. Accepted a request Sunday thankfully in daylight. Headed to pick up off a  road with many big businesses, trucking companies, wharehouses, etc.  Address are difficult as they dont always have a clear address. I pull up to 2 driveways next to each other no clear address. Follow GPS ride around 1 huge lot with tractor trailers no one around so head to next driveway. Road wasnt paved, potholes some may be considered sinkholes lol. There were muddy puddles everywhere, some unavoidable. Had just washed car, shined tires & rims, and used expensive product to shine trim. Get to riders who just drove from CA in their tractor trailer they own. They did apologize for pick up location, how difficult it was to find (surprised I was able to find them so quickly) and the condition of the road. Told me how last 2 drivers who couldnt find them and the drivers cancelled. They probably seen…


    Story of a specific rider/driver from the weekend that made me want to here other drivers opinions. Accepted a request Sunday thankfully in daylight. Headed to pick up off a  road with many big businesses, trucking companies, wharehouses, etc.  Address are difficult as they dont always have a clear address. I pull up to 2 driveways next to each other no clear address. Follow GPS ride around 1 huge lot with tractor trailers no one around so head to next driveway. Road wasnt paved, potholes some may be considered sinkholes lol. There were muddy puddles everywhere, some unavoidable. Had just washed car, shined tires & rims, and used expensive product to shine trim. Get to riders who just drove from CA in their tractor trailer they own. They did apologize for pick up location, how difficult it was to find (surprised I was able to find them so quickly) and the condition of the road. Told me how last 2 drivers who couldnt find them and the drivers cancelled. They probably seen the road and said hell no. Dont understand why they couldnt of called since they knew it was difficult or better yet walked a little closer to main road (saved me some time).  If he had pulled up to this location in his fleet of nice cars and SUV's he would've cancelled rather than drive this road.   We get to main road when dad says I forgot something so back I went. At this point Uber driver or not they should've tipped. The son told me how he was driver in NY with a fleet of 5 SUV's and black cars. Continued to brag about how much these SUV's and cars cost  and how much money he makes on them with Uber. He explained how 1 trip from NY to PA in  the snow made him 1,547.00. In between stories about how much money he made he wanted to know about neighborhoods and schools in Philly and Bucks. I gave him any info he asked for and directed him to websites that could provide more specific info. & answer his questions. So all in all the trip went well with no issues. How do you not tip a driver after this trip (driver or no driver)? Rider payment 17.87 My pay out from this trip was 11.47 approx. 11 miles 17 min. It's not like he just paid for an expensive trip.  Quite sure driving their family owned tractor trailer, owning a fleet of black cars and bragging about all his money.  Between the dirt road with potholes,  driving back to get what he forgot through the dirt rd & muddy potholes yet again and not cancelling like the previous 2 drivers. I also had to wipe down and vacuum the inside and outside of car again before I took next trip. Lastly he was a driver could've given me at least 5.00 but should've given even more. At least in my opinion. Am I wrong in feeling this way? Please share.

    Conclusion - Some people get it  and some people dont. 

    Thoughtful, kind  generous passengers :)

    Friday night trip

    Went to pick up was asked to wait for Bride and groom to say goodbye. Took 4 passengers with a few gifts that they loaded. They ordered XL instead of trying to cram into smaller car. Had to drop bride & groom 3 blocks before final destination, people were waiting to unload gifts. Dropped off last 2 people.  Trip details - 27 min total wait & travel time approx 11 miles = 36.77 from Uber 40.00 cash tip and 10.00 tip on app. from passenger, extra bonus = box with really good chocolate chip and sugar cookie :) 

    Grateful but hell  would've been happy with 20.00 cash

    Wish for more thoughtful generous  people like these 4 passenger

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago

      The minute passengers starts talking how much they make on their businesses I know no tip is coming :)

      I had a few passengers who claimed to be Uber Drivers, none tipped, cheap asses.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        So true.  The riders who brag about how much money they make or have are the cheapest people ever. I've had Orthopedic Surgeons who bragged how much their practice was making them, picked them up at a huge single home with at least 2 acres of ground in Newtown. According to them they were so grateful I picked them up as they were having issues getting an Uber. Not grateful enough to tip.  Another one with "so much $" didnt tip the 1st time, 2nd time tipped .50, and 3rd time 1.00.  One other guy ordered Uber Express Pool wasnt on corner he was supposed to be  found him at bar. Claimed he didnt know he had to walk to another location. Bragged the whole 2 miles to his house about money. Had the guts to ask me in for a drink (wife down the shore). Obviously I declined lol. No tip. Between the guys that brag and the people who will "tip on the app" dont know which are worse. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          It's because those people who brag about the money have a reason to do so. It's their insecurity. They have something to prove.

          Those people who are confident do not have a need to brag. This happens at all levels of income and wealth. Of course, usually the people with less money have the insecurity (because they actually don't have the money) but...

          Another is the inability to empathize with others. These insecure people are so busy looking inwards and feeling sorry for themselves. They don't have the capacity to care for others.  Hence no tip.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        I wonder why this is the case. I feel like if a person is insecure enough to tell stories about his incredible finances, he can afford to pay a few bucks extra to enforce those stories.

        If it's a lie, then they should be okay with paying a few extras to double-down on the lie. LOL.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      33 Rider
       6 years ago

      That was nice of you to wait for those people. Pays off to be nice in some instances. 50.00 sweet.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I always tip at least $5 cash when I use Uber or Lyft.  Unfortunately, not all driver/passengers do the same.  If I pickup a driver,  I hold them to a higher standard than regular passengers because they, of all people, should understand the importance of tipping.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Thanks RedANT for sharing your opinion. Like I said in my post  I think drivers should know better. Yes sometimes it pays off but it seems I get more tips doing nothing extra. Not all but a few people that I really went out of my way for didnt tip a dime. It sometimes makes you not want to do anything other than going from point a to point b safely. One ride in particular really pissed me off. Picked 2 ladies up one really intoxicated the other was ok. Pick up in Philly drop off in NJ. Got on bridge around 1130pm and it started pouring buckets. If I was by myself I would've pulled over it was that bad. Got to house the intoxicated one was hard to wake up. Finally got her up friend gets her out and she falls in middle of street. Friend couldnt get her up. At this point I have 4 hrs left to drive I didnt want to get soaked. Finally I felt bad so I get out & help get her up. Helped friend get her up  8 steps to front door. Heard dog barking & heading towards door. T…


      Thanks RedANT for sharing your opinion. Like I said in my post  I think drivers should know better. Yes sometimes it pays off but it seems I get more tips doing nothing extra. Not all but a few people that I really went out of my way for didnt tip a dime. It sometimes makes you not want to do anything other than going from point a to point b safely. One ride in particular really pissed me off. Picked 2 ladies up one really intoxicated the other was ok. Pick up in Philly drop off in NJ. Got on bridge around 1130pm and it started pouring buckets. If I was by myself I would've pulled over it was that bad. Got to house the intoxicated one was hard to wake up. Finally got her up friend gets her out and she falls in middle of street. Friend couldnt get her up. At this point I have 4 hrs left to drive I didnt want to get soaked. Finally I felt bad so I get out & help get her up. Helped friend get her up  8 steps to front door. Heard dog barking & heading towards door. That was my cue to go. Wanted no part of getting bit by a dog. Not a thank you and of course not a tip. I was also soaking wet. Thats not part of our job to be picking drunk people up out of the street but it is basic human decency. Just sucks that some people just dont care.  Thanks again. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    33 Rider
     6 years ago

    Pretty rude not to tip if they too drive for Uber. It would be like a waitress not tipping when they go out to eat. Difficult pick up and dirting your car definately tip worthy. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      122 Rider
       6 years ago

      I think some of these drivers are pretty disgruntled and their mindset goes to an unhealthy place. Saying, "if no one else is tipping, why should I?" 

      It's hypocritical and they are playing the victim card.